Anu Valtonen
Maintenance of aquatic training-induced benefits on mobility and lower-extremity muscles among persons with unilateral knee replacement.
Abstract Valtonen A, Poyhonen T, Sipila S, Heinonen A. Maintenance of aquatic training-induced benefits on mobility and lower-extremity muscles among persons with unilateral knee replacement. Objective To evaluate the maintenance of observed aquatic training-induced benefits at 12-month follow-up. Design Twelve-month follow-up of a randomized controlled study. Setting Research laboratory and hospital rehabilitation pool. Participants Population-based sample of 55 to 75-year-old women and men 4 to 18 months (on average 10mo) after unilateral knee replacement. Fifty people were willing to participate in the exercise trial and 42 people in the follow-up study. Intervention Twelve-month follow-…
Muscle deficits persist after unilateral knee replacement and have implications for rehabilitation.
BackgroundKnee joint arthritis causes pain, decreased range of motion, and mobility limitation. Knee replacement reduces pain effectively. However, people with knee replacement have decreases in muscle strength (“force-generating capacity”) of the involved leg and difficulties with walking and other physical activities.Objective and DesignThe aim of this cross-sectional study was to determine the extent of deficits in knee extensor and flexor muscle torque and power (ability to perform work over time) and in the extensor muscle cross-sectional area (CSA) after knee joint replacement. In addition, the association of lower-leg muscle deficits with mobility limitations was investigated.Methods…
Ikääntymisen vaikutus seisomaan nousun ja istuutumisen biomekaniikkaan
Knee extensor and flexor muscle power explains stair ascension time in patients with unilateral late-stage knee osteoarthritis: a cross-sectional study.
To determine the extent of asymmetrical deficits in knee extensor and flexor muscles, and to examine whether asymmetrical muscle deficits are associated with mobility limitations in persons with late-stage knee osteoarthritis (OA).Cross-sectional.Research laboratory.A clinical sample (N=56; age range, 50-75y) of eligible persons with late-stage knee OA awaiting knee replacement.Not applicable.Knee extensor and flexor power and torque assessed isokinetically; thigh muscle cross-sectional area (CSA) assessed by computed tomography; mobility limitation assessed by walking speed and stair ascension time; and pain assessed with the Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index q…
Experiencing ethical retail ideology in the servicescape
Studies of the ideological underpinnings of retail stores have improved our understanding of consumers’ retail experiences in brand and national ideology contexts. In retailing, ideology is manifested in retail spatial settings through tangible and intangible cues in servicescapes. This study expands our knowledge on ethical retail ideology by exploring how servicescapes convey cues that shape consumption experiences and foster ethical consumption. Data from an ethnographic study highlight how consumption experiences in physical retail spaces embedding a particular ethical ideology can be thematised as aesthetics, nostalgia and care. We show that the material and discursive aspects in servi…
Effects of preoperative group-based aquatic training on health related quality of life in persons with late stage knee osteoarthritis
drainage is better than resistance training alone as far as improvement in lymphedema is concerned. Implications: Lymphedema has a substantial effect on the upper limb functioning, independence as well as quality of life post mastectomy. Manual lymphatic drainage can help these patients to achieve functional independence and thereby increase their life quality in a simple, cost effective and efficient way.
Effects of preoperative aquatic resistance training on knee pain, mobility limitation and muscle impairments in people with late-stage knee osteoarthritis
Asymmetrical muscle strength deficit, mobility limitation and aquatic resistance training in persons with knee osteoarthritis
Maximal voluntary isokinetic knee flexion torque is associated with femoral shaft bone strength indices in knee replacement patients.
It is currently unknown whether knee replacement-associated bone loss is modified by rehabilitation programs. Thus, a sample of 45 (18 men and 25 women) persons with unilateral knee replacement were recruited; age 66 years (sd 6), height 169 cm (sd 8), body mass 83 kg (sd 15), time since operation 10 months (sd 4) to explore the associations between maximal torque/power in knee extension/flexion and femoral mid-shaft bone traits (Cortical cross-sectional area (CoA, mm(2)), cortical volumetric bone mineral density (CoD, mg/mm(3)) and bone bending strength index (SSI, mm(3))). Bone traits were calculated from a single computed tomography slice from the femoral mid-shaft. Pain in the operated …
Effects of aquatic resistance training on mobility limitation and lower-limb impairments after knee replacement.
Abstract Valtonen A, Poyhonen T, Sipila S, Heinonen A. Effects of aquatic resistance training on mobility limitation and lower-limb impairments after knee replacement. Objective To study the effects of aquatic resistance training on mobility, muscle power, and cross-sectional area. Design Randomized controlled trial. Setting Research laboratory and hospital rehabilitation pool. Participants Population-based sample (N=50) of eligible women and men 55 to 75 years old 4 to 18 months after unilateral knee replacement with no contraindications who were willing to participate in the trial. Interventions Twelve-week progressive aquatic resistance training (n=26) or no intervention (n=24). Main Out…