On Cancer Cell Cycle and Universal Apoptosis Parameters Signaling Unravelled In Silico
Here, cell cycle in higher eukaryotes and their molecular networks signals both in G1/S and G2/M transitions are in silico replicated. Systems control theory is employed to design multi-nestled digital layers to simulate protein-toprotein activation and inhibition in the cancer cell cycle dynamics in presence of damaged genome. Sequencing and controlling the digital process of four micro-scale species networks (p53/Mdm2/DNA damage; p21mRNA/cyclin-CDK complex; CDK/CDC25/wee1/SKP2/APC/CKI and apoptosis target genes system) paved the way for unravelling the participants and their by-products having the task to execute (or not) cell death. The results of the proposed cell digital multi-layers g…