Luigi Stringi

Nitrogen efficiency in wheat as affected by crop rotation, tillage and N fertilization.

research product

Milk production and gastrointestinal nematode parasitism in ewes grazing either annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam) or sulla (Hedysarum coronarium L) at different daily timing

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Risultati 2005-069 della rete nazionale Grano duro: Sicilia

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Azotofissazione nel cece in ambiente mediterraneo.

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Forage quality and yield of berseem clover and annual ryegrass grown in pure and mixed stands in relation to different N application rates

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Risultati delle prove nazionali: Le varietà di triticale per le semine 2008

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Risultati nazionali delle varietà da malto

I risultati delle prove 2005-2006 nelle 10 località del Centro-sud e Isole hanno evidenziato buone medie produttive con la conferma a leader della varietà Prosa. I buoni risultati in generale evidenziano ulteriormente l’adattabilità di questa specie alle condizioni mediterranee.

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Grazing sulla and/or ryegrass forage for 8 or 24 hours daily. 1. Effects on ewes milk production

research product

Effects of grain legume crops on yield and quality of subsequent wheat crop grown at several rates of applied nitrogen

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Nitrogen fixation by berseem clover in pure and mixed stand in a semi-arid Mediterranean environment

research product

Ingestione al pascolo e produzione di latte di capre Girgentane in funzione della combinazione spaziale delle specie foraggere e dell'ingestione con concentrato

research product

Condensed tannins content in sulla (Hedysarum coronarium L.) as affected by environment, genotype and growth stage

research product

Orzo da malto: risultati nazionali.

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Effetti dell'inerbimento sul comportamento vegeto-produttivo di un oliveto in ambiente mediterraneo

research product

Ingestione al pascolo e produzione di latte di capre Girgentane in funzione della combinazione spaziale delle specie foraggere e dell'integrazione con concentrato

research product

Effetto della somministrazione del seme di cardo mariano sulla produzione di latte in pecore Comisane.

research product

Forage yield and N2 fixation of Trifolium alexandrinum in pure stand and in mixture with Lolium multiflorum.

The efficiency of grass-legume intercrop systems is affected by various agronomic factors such as crop density, plant spacing and arrangement that may alter the competitive relationships between component crops. This study was aimed to evaluate yield, N concentration, and symbiotic N2 fixation of berseem clover (Trifolium alexandrinum L.) grown in pure stand or in mixture with annual ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam) either in alternating rows or in the same row. The experiment was conducted in two consecutive growing seasons in a semi-arid Mediterranean environment (Sicily, Italy). Dry matter (DM) yields were similar in the mixed stands and in the berseem pure stand; the annual ryegrass pu…

research product

Caratterizzazione fitopastorale e produttiva di pascoli naturali ricadenti nella riserva naturale orientata di Ficuzza.

research product

Root and shoot growth, water use and water use efficiency of different chickpea genotypes

research product

Grano duro – Risultati 2007-08 della rete nazionale - Sicilia

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Agroecosystem performances of livestock farms in a mountain area of Sicily

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Varietà di orzo da zootecnia, da malto e a seme nudo.

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Effetti della gestione del suolo negli arboreti sulla fertilità e conservazione del terreno

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Comportamento delle specie da inerbimento in diversi contesti ambientali: ambienti prevalentemente mediterranei

research product

Berseem-annual ryegrass intercropping: effect of plant arrangement and seeding ratio on N2 fixation and yield

Various agronomic factors can affect the productivity and the efficiency of legume-grass intercropping systems. This research was carried out in a Mediterranean semi-arid environment (37°30’N; 13°31’E; 178 m a.s.l.) with the aim to study on berseem clover- annual ryegrass mixture (Trifolium alexandrinum L. – Lolium multiflorum Lam subsp. wersterwoldicum) the effects of different plant arrangement (sowing of the two components in alternate rows or in the same row) and seeding ratios (100:0; 75:25; 50:50; 25:75; 0:100) on forage yield, nitrogen content and nitrogen fixation. The experimental design was a split-plot with four replications. The 15N isotope dilution technique was used to estimat…

research product

Risposta di genotipi siciliani di lenticchia (Lens culinaris Medik.) in diversi ambienti collinari

research product

Orzo da zootecnia: quali varietà scegliere

research product

Nitrogen efficiency component analysis in wheat under rainfed Mediterranean conditions: effects of crop rotation and nitrogen fertilization

The research was carried out in 1999-01 in a typical Sicilian semi-arid area to evaluate the effect of crop rotation and N fertilization on the nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) in wheat. Crop rotation were: wheat-faba bean, wheat-chickpea, wheat-pea and continuous wheat; nitrogen fertilizer rates were: 0, 40, 80 and 120 kg N/ha. A split-plot design with three replications were used. Analysis of nitrogen efficiency components was performed according to the procedure of Higgins and Pan (1993) using grain yield, aboveground plant N, grain N and post-harvest inorganic soil N. Continuous wheat (WW) recorder the lowest grain yields while no differences were found in wheat grown after the three legum…

research product

Effect of stocking rate on selective behaviour and milk production of Girgentana goats grazing a ryegrass and berseem clover mixture

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Comportamento alimentare al pascolo per 8 o 24 ore in funzione della risorsa utilizzata

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Fondazione A. e S. Lima Mancuso - Risultati delle attività statutarie

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Risultati varietali per il triticale

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The timing of daily grazing on annual ryegrass or sulla forage: the effects on the milk yield and composition of Comisana ewes

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Una rete nazionale italiana per i tappeti erbosi

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Grano duro: varietà 2010 dettaglio regionale dei risultati - Sicilia.

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Effect of soil management techniques on performance of different grain legumes in a Mediterranean environment

research product

Effetti di diversi tipi di inerbimento sul comportamento vegeto-produttivo dell'arboreto

research product

Valutazione di genotipi di trifoglio sotterraneo per usi foraggeri e non convenzionali in ambiente mediterraneo

research product

Wheat yield and grain quality as affected by tillage, sowing time and nitrogen fertilization under rainfed Mediterranean conditions

The research was carried out in 9 sites (5 in 1999-00 and 4 in 2000-01) of inner area of Sicily different for soil type, slope, exposure and preceding crop. The following treatments were studied: (i) conventional tillage and sowing at conventional time (CT); (ii) no tillage and sowing at conventional time (NTc); and (iii) no tillage and early sowing (NTe). In 2000-01 the effect of three nitrogen fertilization treatment (single application at planting, P, and split dressing at two different rates, S and S+) were also evaluated. No tillage systems (NTc and NTe) significantly increased grain yield compared to CT treatment; no differences were observed between the two sowing dates. The producti…

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Grano duro 2007. Risultati 2006-07 della rete nazionale. Sicilia.

research product

Realizzazione e gestione degli inerbimenti nelle colture arboree

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Effects of nitrogen fertilization on efficiency and yield of a berseem clover-annual ryegrass intercrop in a Mediterranean environment

research product

Quali varietà scegliere per l'orzo da zootecnia

research product

Long-term effects of tillage on faba bean yield under rainfed Mediterranean conditions

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Biological nitrogen fixation by pea and lentil in rainfed Mediterranean conditions

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Caratterizzazione fitopastorale e produttività di pascoli naturali ricadenti nella riserva naturale orientata di Ficuzza.

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Grano duro: varietà 2009 Sicilia.

research product

Risultati delle prove nazionali 2005-06 - Scelta delle varietà di triticale

research product

Effect of defoliation management and plant arrangement on yield and N2 fixation of berseem-annual ryegrass mixture

The research was carried out in a Mediterranean semi-arid environment on berseem clover, annual ryegrass and their mixture to study the effect of defoliation management [date of first cut (FC) 85, 119, 140, 169 days after sowing] and different plant arrangements (sowing the two components in alternate rows or in the same row) on yields, N content, N2 fixation and N transfer. The experimental design was a split-plot with four replications. The 15 N isotope dilution technique was used (8 kg N ha –1 as ammonium sulphate at 10 atom% 15 N excess) to evaluate the N2 fixation. Total seasonal DM yield was, on average, significantly higher for FC119 and FC140 (approx. 12.3 t ha –1 ) than for FC85 and FC…

research product