S Piraino

Isolamento, caratterizzazione e distribuzione cellulare di una neurotossina ad attività litica di Actinia equina (Anthozoa, Cnidaria

research product

Attività biologica e caratterizzazione molecolare di un peptide neurotossico ad attività litica di Actinia equina (Anthozoa, Cnidaria)

research product

Purificazione di una lectina calcio dipendente dal muco di Sabella spallanzanii (Polychaeta: Sabellidae)

research product

Mechanical harvest of grapes: assessment of the physical-mechanical characteristics of the berry in order to improve the quality of wines

research product

Evaluation of the efficiency of different harvesting methods of olives

This paper reports the results of experimental tests carried out in Sicily about the harvesting of olives. Three varieties were selected (Biancolilla, Cerasuola and Nocellara del Belice); the tests were performed in three different periods with three different harvesting systems: manual, manual with pneumatic combs and mechanical harvesting. The aim of this study was to evaluate the work capacity and productivity of the three harvesting systems and the period maximising the mechanical harvesting efficiency. The damages caused to the trees after mechanical harvesting with a variable frequency shaker were also evaluated. Naturally fallen olives, Jean’s maturity index, detachment force, harves…

research product

Influence of tree's structure on the efficiency of the mechanical harvest of olives

This study represents an analysis about the influence of the structure of the plant and the drupes’ position on the efficiency of the mechanical harvest of olives. The aim is to study the eventual correlations between some geometrical characteristics of the plants and the harvest efficiency. The experimental tests were carried out in an olive grove sited in Castelvetrano, province of Trapani; the variety was Nocellara del Belice, the plants “globe” shaped. Some morphological surveys were carried out on a sample of trees. The mechanical harvest was performed with a trunk shaker provided with an upside down umbrella. After the harvest, the residual production was quantified for each bud in or…

research product

Isolation and cytotoxic activity of neurotoxin from the mucus of Actinia equina (Anthozoa, Cnidaria).

research product

Isolamento di nuovi peptidi citolitici da Actinia equina (Anthozoa, Cnidaria)

research product

Attività citotossica nel muco di Actinia equina (Anthozoa, Cnidaria)

research product