S. Provenzano
L'area della ex Fiera del Mediterraneo: ipotesi di riconfigurazione come centro congressi
La riconfigurazione dell'area della Fiera del Mediterraneo di Palermo, da destinare a sede di un centro congressi di rilevanza internazionale e di vari servizi connessi con la cultura, è un tema di grande attualità e urgenza nel dibattito cittadino. L'area considerata, che oggi versa in condizioni di grave degrado, rappresenta la tipica manifestazione delle asimmetrie urbane delle grandi città. Un tempo sede della Fiera del Mediterraneo, campionaria nata sotto grandi auspici negli anni '50, e progressivamente precipitata nel tempo della mala gestione prima e dell'incuria dopo, oggi rappresenta un simbolo negativo della città, un monumento alle occasioni perdute tanto più malinconico in virt…
Patient-derived solitary fibrous tumour xenografts predict high sensitivity to doxorubicin/dacarbazine combination confirmed in the clinic and highlight the potential effectiveness of trabectedin or eribulin against this tumour
Abstract Background Preclinical models that mimic pathological and molecular features of solitary fibrous tumour (SFT) represent an important tool to select effective regimes and novel compounds to be tested in the clinic. This study was aimed at developing two preclinical models of SFT, assessing their predictive value in the clinic and selecting potential novel effective treatments. Material and methods Two dedifferentiated-SFT (D-SFT) models obtained from patients' biopsies were grown in immunodeficient mice. The antitumour activity on these models of doxorubicin, dacarbazine (DTIC), ifosfamide (monotherapy or combination), trabectedin and eribulin was tested. Twelve SFT patients were tr…
Lenograstim in preventing chemotherapy-induced febrile neutropenia in patients with soft tissue sarcoma
Background: Neutropenia and its complications represent one of the principal dose-limiting toxicity issues in chemotherapeutic regimens for soft tissue sarcoma. Prophylactic granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) reduces the risk of febrile neutropenia (FN). The correct timing of G-CSF administration should be considered in order to optimize the prophylactic treatment. Patients and Methods: Patients (≥18 years old) affected by soft tissue sarcoma and treated with epirubicin and ifosfamide, underwent prophylactic treatment with G-CSF (lenograstim at 263 μg) from day 5 to day 9. The proportion of patients experiencing FN and G4 neutropenia was considered. Results: A total of 36 patient…
Smoking behaviour among nursing students: attitudes toward smoking cessation.
Introduction: The purpose of the study was to assess tobacco smoking habits among nursing students and how these are influenced by family members and cohabitants. Methods: Cross-sectional study. An anonymous papery questionnaire was administered to nursing students of the three-year course of the University of Palermo. Adjusted Odds Ratio (aOR) are presented. Results: 301 nursing students (63.12 % female) completed the questionnaire (response rate 61.17%). The average age of the sample is 21.88 years (SD ± 2.80). Considering as a dependent variable: “I currently smoke”, the statistically significant independent variables associated are: “Male gender” (aOR 2.09), “Single” (aOR 2.06), “Second…
Il rilievo fotogrammetrico del Castello di Maredolce a Palermo
Le tecniche di rilievo fotogrammetrico stanno trovando un sempre più largo impiego nel campo dei BB.CC. Esse, infatti, consentono una rappresentazione dei manufatti con un'elevata cura del dettaglio geometrico mediante la restituzione vettoriale ed una elevata definizione degli aspetti materici degli oggetti attraverso la realizzazione dei fotopiani, che forniscono informazioni sia metriche che qualitative dell'oggetto. Tali tecniche, pertanto, costituiscono un fondamentale strumento di supporto alle attività di diagnostica e restauro dei monumenti antichi. Il presente articolo illustra la metodologia, le fasi operative e gli strumenti impiegati per il rilievo fotogrammetrico di un edificio…
Malformations of central nervous system: General issues
Malformations of the central nervous system (CNS) encompass a heterogeneous group of congenital anomalies that may be isolated or appear as part of a genetic syndrome. Advances in identifying the genetic etiology underlying many CNS malformation and syndromes have led to the current genetic-based classifications that allows us to better estimate prognosis and potential complications. Herein, we discuss the main genetic, clinical and radiological features and their implications for diagnostic testing and disease management
SEAty_ living beyond the waterfront dynamics outcomes and risk of a new trend
The growing number of projcts for floating structures or artificial islands in response to the problems of urhan congestion or environmental emergency requires a critical reflection on the prospectives and the risks implied in this new trend of urban water colonization. This paper intends to test the hypothesis thaht the value of a new and emerging issue of Architecrure can be recognized to this trend and, trhrough a comparison with a series of experiences, wants to bring to the attention of the debate a number of questions which, for exigency of synthesis, analyze in particular the morpholinguistic issues re1ated to the diffusion of this new architecture theme.