O. Gomonay
Topological–chiral magnetic interactions driven by emergent orbital magnetism
Two hundred years ago, Ampère discovered that electric loops in which currents of electrons are generated by a penetrating magnetic field can mutually interact. Here we show that Ampère’s observation can be transferred to the quantum realm of interactions between triangular plaquettes of spins on a lattice, where the electrical currents at the atomic scale are associated with the orbital motion of electrons in response to the non-coplanarity of neighbouring spins playing the role of a magnetic field. The resulting topological orbital moment underlies the relation of the orbital dynamics with the topology of the spin structure. We demonstrate that the interactions of the topological orbital …
Emission of coherent THz magnons in an antiferromagnetic insulator triggered by ultrafast spin-phonon interactions
Antiferromagnetic materials have been proposed as new types of narrowband THz spintronic devices owing to their ultrafast spin dynamics. Manipulating coherently their spin dynamics, however, remains a key challenge that is envisioned to be accomplished by spin-orbit torques or direct optical excitations. Here, we demonstrate the combined generation of broadband THz (incoherent) magnons and narrowband (coherent) magnons at 1 THz in low damping thin films of NiO/Pt. We evidence, experimentally and through modelling, two excitation processes of magnetization dynamics in NiO, an off-resonant instantaneous optical spin torque and a strain-wave-induced THz torque induced by ultrafast Pt excitatio…
N\'{e}el Spin Orbit Torque driven antiferromagnetic resonance in Mn$_{2}$Au probed by time-domain THz spectroscopy
We observe the excitation of collective modes in the THz range driven by the recently discovered N\'{e}el spin-orbit torques (NSOT) in the metallic antiferromagnet Mn$_{2}$Au. Temperature dependent THz spectroscopy reveals a strong absorption mode centered near 1 THz, which upon heating from 4 K to 450 K softens and looses intensity. Comparison with the estimated eigenmode frequencies implies that the observed mode is an in-plane antiferromagnetic resonance (AFMR) mode. The AFMR absorption strength exceeds those found in antiferromagnetic insulators, driven by the magnetic field of the THz radiation, by three orders of magnitude. Based on this and the agreement with our theory modelling, we…
Narrow-band tunable THz detector in antiferromagnets via N\'eel spin-orbit torque and spin-transfer torque
We study dynamics of antiferromagnets induced by simultaneous application of dc spin current and ac charge current, motivated by the requirement of all-electrically controlled devices in THz gap (0.1-30 THz). We show that ac electric current, via N\'eel spin orbit torques, can lock the phase of a steady rotating N\'eel vector whose precession is controlled by a dc spin current. In the phase-locking regime the frequency of the incoming ac signal coincides with the frequency of autooscillations which for typical antiferromagnets fall into the THz range. The frequency of autooscillations is proportional to the precession-induced tilting of the magnetic sublattices related to the so-called dyna…