H. -J. Elmers
Exchange Splitting of a Hybrid Surface State and Ferromagnetic Order in a 2D Surface Alloy
Surface alloys are highly flexible materials for tailoring the spin-dependent properties of surfaces. Here, we study the spin-dependent band structure of a DyAg$_2$ surface alloy formed on an Ag(111) crystal. We find a significant exchange spin-splitting of the localized Dy 4f states pointing to a ferromagnetic coupling between the localized Dy moments at $40\,$K. The magnetic coupling between these moments is mediated by an indirect, RKKY-like exchange coupling via the spin-polarized electrons of the hole-like Dy-Ag hybrid surface state.
N\'{e}el Spin Orbit Torque driven antiferromagnetic resonance in Mn$_{2}$Au probed by time-domain THz spectroscopy
We observe the excitation of collective modes in the THz range driven by the recently discovered N\'{e}el spin-orbit torques (NSOT) in the metallic antiferromagnet Mn$_{2}$Au. Temperature dependent THz spectroscopy reveals a strong absorption mode centered near 1 THz, which upon heating from 4 K to 450 K softens and looses intensity. Comparison with the estimated eigenmode frequencies implies that the observed mode is an in-plane antiferromagnetic resonance (AFMR) mode. The AFMR absorption strength exceeds those found in antiferromagnetic insulators, driven by the magnetic field of the THz radiation, by three orders of magnitude. Based on this and the agreement with our theory modelling, we…