Tossimidé Houngbedji
Infestation de Rhamphicarpa fistulosa (Hoschst.) Benth. en riziculture de bas-fonds au nord du Togo
International audience; Le riz constitue de nos jours la base alimentaire de plus de 2,5 milliards de personnes en Afrique subsaharienne où sa demande ne cesse de croître. Pour faire face à cette demande qui dépasse souvent doublement les productions nationales, et pour diminuer ses importations sans cesse croissantes, le Togo à l’instar des pays ouest-Africains a élaboré un document stratégique qui mise sur l’extension et la productivité des rizières de bas-fond. Malheureusement, les bas-fonds rizicoles en Afrique tropicale sont souvent confrontés à la pression des adventices et plus particulièrement des adventices parasites de la famille des Orobanchaceae. Rhamphicarpa fistulosa, plante h…
Étude de l'infection de la plante parasite Rhamphicarpa fistulosa en riziculture au Togo
Rhamphicarpa fistulosa (Hochst.) Benth. is an annual facultative root-parasitic weed found in lowlands and floodplains in tropical Africa. It has been reported as the major constraint to rice cultivation in the savannah region of Togo. A survey was conducted in 2012 to access its distribution and to collect information on farmers’ knowledge of its control. Rhamphicarpa fistulosa was found in 80% of the 33 visited lowlands. The period of abundance is in August-September when the highest infection (90%) was found on sandy and clay soils. When the parasite was present, 94 other weeds belonging to 24 botanical families were recorded. As management method, farmers use weeding and chemical fertil…
Weed community of lowland rice system in northern Togo's Savannah region
International audience; Weeds are the major biotic constraint for lowland rice production systems in Togo, particularly in the Savannah region where rice cultivation follows traditional practices with very little mechanization or synthetic pesticide treatment. In order to identify and categorize weed flora of this agricultural system, vegetation surveys were conducted in Northern Togo’s lowlands during the growing seasons of 2012 and 2013. Full floristic surveys were conducted in 33 lowland sites, selected for their accessibility and importance in terms of rice production. A total of 97 weed species from 26 plant families were recorded in 2012 against 103 weed species in 28 families in 2013…
Etude de l’infection la plante parasite Rhamphicarpa fistulosa en riziculture au Togo
Rhamphicarpa fistulosa (Hochst.) Benth. is an annual facultative root-parasitic weed found in lowlands and floodplains in tropical Africa. It has been reported as the major constraint to rice cultivation in the savannah region of Togo. A survey was conducted in 2012 to access its distribution and to collect information on farmers' knowledge of its control. Rhamphicarpa fistulosa was found in 80% of the 33 visited lowlands. The period of abundance is in August-September when the highest infection (90%) was found on sandy and clay soils. When the parasite was present, 94 other weeds belonging to 24 botanical families were recorded. As management method, farmers use weeding and chemical fertil…