Joan Bernabeu Aubán

El poblamiento neolítico: Desarrollo del paisaje agrario en les valls de l'Alcoi

En la zona que hoy conocemos como Oriente Medio surgieron -hace unos 10.000 años- las primeras plantas domésticas (el trigo y la cebada), a las que poco después se añadieron los animales (oveja, cabra, cerdo y buey). A partir de este momento, el nuevo sistema económico, basado en la explotación mixta de animales y plantas, comenzó un proceso expansivo sin precedentes en la historia. Así, en poco más de tres milenios, la agricultura y la ganadería se había instalado ya en las costas mediterráneas. En el País Valenciano se documenta la aparición de estos grupos de agricultores y ganaderos hacia el 5600/5500 a.C., tal como muestra el registro arqueológico de diversos yacimientos, entre los que…

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Áreas y suelos: El tamaño de los yacimientos de superficie. Una propuesta metodológica

En los estudios sobre el patrón de asentamiento y en los análisis del territorio, la variable"tamaño" del asentamiento juega un papel importante. Considerada como"proxy" de la población, no siempre resulta fácil de calcular en ausencia de estructuras arqueológicas construidas: aterrazamientos o fortificaciones. En este trabajo se presenta una aproximación al cálculo de dicha variable en los asentamientos de superficie caracterizados simplemente por la dispersión de materiales, que toma como punto de partida la correlación entre aquélla y la presencia de los horizontes edáficos ah. La reciprocidad positiva de ambos factores permite sugerir diversas hipótesis sobre la relación entre la formac…

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A funerary perspective on the Bell Beaker period in the Wester Mediterranean Reading the social context of individual burials at La Vital (Gandia, València)

[EN] The discussion about social dynamics in recent Pre- history is supported by the study of funerary practices. The presence and significance of individual and collec- tive burials in Final Neolithic/Chalcolithic societies in the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula provides new evi- dence for the debate concerning the emergence of social inequalities in this region. Our contribution is based on the recent discovery and excavation of several individual pit burials in domestic contexts at the site of La Vital (Gandía, Valencia). The particularities of the identified burials (different ritual episodes) and their content (Bell Beaker pottery, metal objects, animal offerings) together with an …

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Spatial and Temporal Diversity During the Neolithic Spread in the Western Mediterranean: The First Pottery Productions

Actual research into the neolithization process and the development of farming communities in the Western Mediterranean reveals a diverse and complex cultural landscape. Dispersal routes and rhythm of diffusion of the agro-pastoral economy, Mesolithic inheritance, regional interactions between communities, and functional adaptations all have to be explored to trace how Mediterranean societies were reshaped during this period. The different pottery traditions that accompany the Neolithic spread and its economic development are of course interconnected (the “impressed ware”), but they also show some degree of polymorphism. This variability has been variously interpreted, but rarely quantified…

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From the Mesolithic to the Neolithic on the Mediterranean Coast of the Iberian Peninsula

This paper summarizes early Holocene cultural sequences, economic strategies, and social dynamics on the Mediterranean coast of the Iberian Peninsula. Recent research in the central-southern regions of Valencia provides important diachronic information, particularly for discerning the nature of the shift from a hunter-gatherer lisfestyle to agricultura. If biogeographic conditions played a leading role in determining exploitation strategies, the recognizing distinctive social responses is crucial for understanding the impact of the changes that occurred.

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Combined spatial Radiocarbon density maps and refined SCPD method to explore food production spread through the central and western mediterranean

The neolithisation process in Europe constitutes a fundamental issue of interest in social evolutionary studies. The pioneer work of Ammerman and Cavalli-Sforza (1984) has been considered the basis for discussing the mechanisms involved in the expansion of farming and herding practices in a continental scale, assuming their spread from the Near East domestic core area. From an evolutionary perspective the introduction of agriculture and livestock implies major shifts in social dynamics including changes in demographic patterns as well as in settlement distribution and cultural models. Spatial analysis together with the use of radiocarbon data as a demographic proxy maybe one of the keys to …

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A view of the vegetation and economic exploitation of the forest in the Late Neolithic sites of Les Jovades and Niuet (Alicante, Spain)

SummaryThe results of the charcoal analysis obtained in two open air sites of the Late Neolithic, although contrasting with what is known so far about their economy, as well as with the results of different palaeoamblental studies undertaken in other sites, mainly caves with long sequences, within the same area or in other near areas, form the main interest of this paper. We will begin presenting the data pertaining to both sites individually which, in the final part, will be assessed in order to reach a better understanding of the relationship between men and their natural environment during the Neolithic period.

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Indigenismo y migracionismo. Aspectos de la neolitización en la fachada oriental de la Península Ibérica

This paper discusses various aspects on the origins of the Neolithic in the Iberian Peninsula. The dual model is proposed as an alternative to the dichotomy of demie (migrationist) and non-demic (indigenist) explanations. The application of this model in eastern Spain offers an opportunity to evaluate its potential to account for diversity in processes associated with the origins of food production and their spatial organisation.

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Mas d’Is (Penàguila, Alicante): farms and Early Neolithic causewayed camps in the Serpis valley

In this paper, results from recent archaeological field work carried out in the Neolithic village of Mas d’Is (Penaguila, Alicante) are presented. We focus on an important set of domestic and monumental architectural structures. Integration of data from the site in a regional context allows us to rethink the social relations of the first farmers in the area. At the same time, radiocarbon data from our excavations show a finer chronology of the neolithization in Western Mediterranean, and what is more important to approach its historical process.

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Carl Knappet. An Archaeology of Interaction: Network Perspectives on Material Culture and Society (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2011, 251pp., 50 figs., hbk, ISBN 978-0-19-921545-4)

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Timing the Mesolithic-Neolithic Transition in the Iberian Peninsula: The Radiocarbon Dataset

In this paper, we describe the radiocarbon dataset compiled in the context of the project HAR2015-68962 EVOLPAST: Dinamicas evolutivas y patrones de variabilidad cultural de los ultimos cazadores-recolectores y el primer Neolitico en el este peninsular (7000–4500 cal. BC) funded by the Spanish government. The dataset offers the most complete and public radiocarbon dataset focus on the Neolithic Transition in the Iberian Peninsula. Funding statement: The data collection was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness grant HAR2015-68962-P to Oreto Garcia Puchol & Joan Bernabeu. SPG is supported by Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness, Postdoct…

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Examen de las dinámicas socio-ecológicas en el valle medio del Xuquer (Valencia) desde el Paleolítico Medio hasta el Calcolítico

En paisajes intensamente modificados por terrazas agrícolas y otros usos modernos del suelo, el patrón espacial y temporal del poblamiento prehistórico puede ser difícil de detectar usando métodos de prospección arqueológica tradicionales orientados a la localización de yacimientos part iculares. El abancalamiento del territorio para su explotación agrícola es norma común en el área de trabajo, por lo que es necesario examinar el paisaje en su conjunto, en lugar de intentar localiza r zonas concretas de actividad ant rópica prehistórica. Para superar estos desafíos, se ha empleado una estrategia estratificada, seleccionando aleato ria me nte las parcelas a prospectar, para examinar las diná…

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Modeling initial Neolithic dispersal. The first agricultural groups in West Mediterranean

Abstract In previous research, the SE-NW time-trend in the age of the earliest Neolithic sites across Europe has been treated as a signal of a global-scale process that brought farming/herding economies to the continent. Residual variation from this global time-trend is generally treated as ‘noise’. A Complex Adaptive Systems perspective views this empirical record differently. The apparent time-trend is treated as an emergent consequence of the interactions of individuals and groups of different scale. Here, we examine the dynamics of agricultural dispersals, using the rich body evidence available from the Iberian Peninsula as a case study. We integrate two complementary approaches: (1) cr…

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El yacimiento prehistórico de Regadiuet (Alcoi, Alacant): Datos preliminares de la secuencia mesolítica y neolítica.

Presentamos en este texto un avance de resultados de la primera campaña efectuada en el yacimiento prehistórico al aire libre de Rega­diuet (Alcoi, Alacant). Los materiales de prospección previamente analizados parecían augurar una dilatada secuencia que, al menos desde el mesolítico geométrico, aportaba también evidencias de ocupaciones posteriores, ya del Neolítico antiguo. Los trabajos de campo han confirmado buena parte de es­ tas suposiciones al localizar una serie de estructuras excavadas atribuidas al Neolítico antiguo de la secuencia regional. Queda corroborada igualmente la existencia de niveles precerámicos, aspecto que confirma la recurrencia en la apropiación de este espacio por…

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A Taphonomic Perspective on Neolithic Beginnings: Theory, Interpretation, and Empirical Data in the Western Mediterranean

The fills of caves and rockshelters generally comprise complex depositional palimpsests, making fine scale chronological resolution extremely difficult. Nevertheless, these settings remain very important in archaeology because they often preserve long records of cultural change. This is true for the initial appearance of food producing economies in the western Mediterranean. The chronologically ambiguous nature of cave and shelter deposits is one of the reasons for the continued debate over the processes responsible for the beginning of the Neolithic in this region. We employ taphonomic studies of the archeofaunal record from Mesolithic and early Neolithic cave and shelter sites in Mediterr…

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Análisis de la distribución de cerámica en el yacimiento del Mas d'Is (Penàguila, Alacant)

Se analiza la distribución de las cerámicas en el yacimiento del Mas d'Is (Penàguila, Alacant) The distribution of ceramics in the Mas d'Is site (Penàguila, Alacant) is analyzed.

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Prospecciones sistemáticas en la Depressió de L’Alcoi (Alacant): analizando las colecciones superficiales

En el siguiente texto se presentan los resultados procedentes de las prospec- ciones llevadas a cabo en el valle medio del río Serpis (Alacant, España) durante la últimas década del siglo XX. Éstas siguen la estrategia donde la organización de las colecciones no sigue el concepto de yacimiento. Por otra parte se presentan las ventajas de la utilización de los Sistemas de Posicionamiento Global (GPS) y los Sistemas de Información Geográfica (SIG) como mecanismo básico no sólo para el tratamiento de las colecciones arqueológi- cas sino también para la actualización de los datos documentados durante las prospeccio- nes llevadas a cabo durante los años 80 y principios de los 90. …

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Neolithic rock art in context: Landscape history and the transition to agriculture in Mediterranean Spain

Rock art is one of the most salient features of Neolithic societies in eastern Spain and an explicit form of landscape history. This paper summarizes current debates of Mediterranean rock art chronology and interpretation and explores the contextual differences in two areas of Neolithic settlement with rock art: the Canyoles Valley (Valencia) and the Alcoi Basin (Alicante). Large-scale survey of the Canyoles Valley resulted in a clearer understanding of agricultural land use during the Neolithic that contrasts with evidence from the Alcoi Basin. By analyzing Neolithic rock art in its archaeological context, we discuss the significance and limitations of rock art analysis for understanding a…

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Patch-based survey methods for studying prehistoric human land-use in agriculturally modified landscapes: A case study from the Canal de Navarrés, eastern Spain

Abstract In landscapes whose surface has been modified by terracing and other agricultural land-use, the spatial and temporal patterning of prehistoric settlement can be difficult to detect using traditional, site-orientated archaeological survey methods, especially for small-scale societies. In these contexts, methods that can reveal occupational patterns at landscape scales, without the need to pinpoint specific sites of human occupation, can be especially useful. We employ a stratified, randomly selected patch-based survey strategy to examine socio-ecological dynamics from the Middle Paleolithic through Bell Beaker (Chalcolithic) periods within the Canal de Navarres, eastern Spain. We di…

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SIDGEIPA: an Archaeological Information System

En el artículo se presenta un nuevo sistema de información arqueológica: SIDGEIPA -SIstema Distribuido para la GEstión Integral del Patrimonio Arqueológico- SIDGEIPA va más allá de la adaptación de un Sistema de Información Geográfica a la Gestión del Patrimonio arqueológico. Las características más destacables de SIDGEIPA son: el estar desarrollado en código Java lo que implica su capacidad multiplataforma; automatización de la matriz Harris, se trata de una aplicación única con la que se pueden realizar todos los procesos informáticos relacionados con la gestión del patrimonio arqueológico (Dibujo asistido por ordenador, base de datos, procesado de imágenes y otros. Los datos que se prese…

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Alternative Stories of Agricultural Origins: The Neolithic Spread in the Iberian Peninsula

The spread of agriculture from the Near East to Europe has long been a subject of intense archaeological study and debate in light of the social and economic changes that occurred and were set in motion as a result of this transition. Despite the attention paid to this important process, a consensus is far from being reached. Perhaps for these reasons, new methods and theoretical approaches have often been applied to the questions surrounding the spread of agriculture first. Recently, computational modeling has emerged as a promising technique for the study of the origins of agriculture. Our approach employs an agent-based computational model of agricultural spread for the Iberian Peninsula…

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Mas d’Is (Penàguila)

Las diferentes actuaciones llevadas a cabo durante los años 2010 y 2011 en el yacimiento neolítico del Mas d’Is (Penàguila) han permitido avanzar en el conocimiento de este yacimiento de referencia de las primeras comunidades agrícolas de la Península Ibérica. Las campañas previas habían revelado la existencia de algunas estructuras enormes en el extremo norte del yacimiento; el trabajo más reciente se ha centrado en el denominado "Foso 4". Los resultados fueron mejores de lo esperado. Archaeological works at the site of Mas d’Is (Penàguila, Alacant) have revealed important deposits dating back to the Early Holocene. The 2010 and 2011 field seasons at theNeolithic site is one of the key pro…

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Excavaciones en Valentia

Resultados de una de las primeras campañas de excavación en la ciudad de Valentia

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The Radiocarbon Chronology of Southern Spain's Late Prehistory (5600-1000 cal BC): A Comparative Review

Summary This paper is the first updated review of the scope, depth and problems related to the current radiocarbon chronology of the late prehistory of southern Iberia. The aim is twofold. First, it critically analyses the quantity and quality of radiocarbon dates used to interpret the diverse trajectories of western Mediterranean societies throughout more than four millennia. Secondly, it reviews a set of three different and prominent archaeological phenomena from an inter-regional comparative perspective: primary and secondary burial practices, domestic stone architecture and ditched enclosures. Our long-term, geographically wide-ranging approach locates similarities while highlighting th…

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Arqueometría y georreferenciación con gvSIG en un yacimiento al aire libre. Campaña Mas d’is 2015

La Arqueología ha sido pionera entre las Humanidades en la utilización de los avances tecnológicos para acercarse al conocimiento histórico, lo que ha facilitado y mejorado el trabajo posterior de los datos registrados. Con programas como gvSIG, se pueden realizar estos estudios y georreferenciar unidades estratigráficas (UUEE), configurar la forma de estructuras o ubicar en el espacio las piezas arqueológicas encontradas, dotando de un significado más completo al trabajo de campo. En esta comunicación, aportamos nuestra experiencia para el tratamiento de datos del yacimiento neolítico de Mas d’Is (Penàguila, Alicante). La campaña de 2015 se abordó desde su inicio con el ánimo de informatiz…

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