José Luis Calvo Guirado
Immediate post-extraction implants subject to immediate
Since Brånemark first started developing its implant system, there has been a continuous and significant evolution in oral implantology through experimental and clinical research, and many of the concepts that were once considered valid have now become the subject of debate. The insertion of the implant immediately after extraction of the tooth to be substituted has now become the implant treatment of choice and is associated with preserving the bone structure and the gingival architecture, as well as with reducing the treatment time, which ultimately benefits the patient. Objective: To evaluate the success rate of the immediate post-extraction implants (IPI) subject to immediate loading. S…
Ensanchamiento y elevación del suelo sinusal maxilar con osteotomos compresivos
Objetivo: El objetivo de este artículo es evaluar la eficacia de la técnica del ensanchamiento alveolar posterior y elevación del reborde alveolar del maxilar superior mediante el uso de los osteótomos compresivos ( Quirurgical Bontempi, España) especialmente diseñados para los implantes Osseotite NT y Osseotite NT Certain de 3i ( Implants Innovations, USA). Material y métodos: En el estudio se incluyeron 24 pacientes (16 mujeres y 8 hombres) siguiendo los criterios de inclusión y exclusión de Albrektsson, que presentaban un déficit óseo en anchura y altura del maxilar superior. Se colocaron 48 implantes Osseotite ( cuatro Osseotite Standard, seis Ossoetite NT y treinta y ocho NT Certain (3…
Compressive osteotomes for expansion and maxilla sinus floor lifting
Objetivo: El objetivo de este artículo es evaluar la eficacia de la técnica del ensanchamiento alveolar posterior y elevación del reborde alveolar del maxilar superior mediante el uso de los osteótomos compresivos ( Quirurgical Bontempi, España) especialmente diseñados para los implantes Osseotite NT y Osseotite NT Certain de 3i ( Implants Innovations, USA). Material y métodos: En el estudio se incluyeron 24 pacientes (16 mujeres y 8 hombres) siguiendo los criterios de inclusión y exclusión de Albrektsson, que presentaban un déficit óseo en anchura y altura del maxilar superior. Se colocaron 48 implantes Osseotite ( cuatro Osseotite Standard, seis Ossoetite NT y treinta y ocho NT Certain (3…
Dental extraction in patients rece iving dual antiplatelet therapy
Background: Dual antiplatelet therapy consists of administering antiplatelet (antiaggregant) drugs (clopidogrel and aspirin) to prevent thrombotic processes, as a preventative measure in patients with acute coronary disease, or in patients subjected to percutaneous coronary intervention. Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of a protocol for performing dental extraction in patients receiving dual antiplatelet therapy. Material and Methods: Thirty-two patients undergoing dental extractions were included in the study. The variables evaluated were: collagen-epinephrine fraction, collagen- adenosine diphosphate fraction, surgical surface, post-surgical measures, and…
Tilted implants for the restoration of posterior mandibles with horizontal atrophy: An alternative treatment
Purpose Horizontal atrophy in the posterior mandible presents serious limitations on conventional implant placement. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the use of tilted implants angled in a buccolingual direction for restoring atrophic posterior mandibular sectors. Materials and Methods A cohort study was performed of 25 patients who had partial prostheses supported by more than 1 implant (≥1 tilted and 1 axial implant) to restore molar areas in the mandible. When the bone thickness was at least 5 mm, axial implants were placed; when the alveolar ridge was narrower, the implant was placed with tilted angulation. The beds for these tilted implants were prepared using a lingual approa…
Dabigatran and rivaroxaban, new oral anticoagulants. New approaches in Dentistry
Treatment in patients with atrial fibrillation or venous thromboembolism in recent decades has been based almost exclusively on the use of vitamin K antagonists. These drugs have a narrow therapeutic index, so it is precise to repeated adjustments of doses that require analytical monitoring. For many years it has advocated the need to have more convenient new antithrombotic drugs. So is developing a new generation of antithrombotic not related to coumarin. In 2008 and 2009, two of these new anticoagulants have been registered and approved in Europe and Ca- nada-these are dabigatran etexilate (Pradaxa ®) and rivaroxaban (Xarelto ®). Anticoagulant dabigatran is the first direct thrombin inhib…