Quantum Identification of Boolean Oracles
The oracle identification problem (OIP) is, given a set S of M Boolean oracles out of 2 N ones, to determine which oracle in S is the current black-box oracle. We can exploit the information that candidates of the current oracle is restricted to S. The OIP contains several concrete problems such as the original Grover search and the Bernstein-Vazirani problem. Our interest is in the quantum query complexity, for which we present several upper bounds. They are quite general and mostly optimal: (i) The query complexity of OIP is \(O(\sqrt{N {\rm log} M {\rm log} N}{\rm log log} M)\) for anyS such that M = |S| > N, which is better than the obvious bound N if M \(< 2^{N/log^3 N}\). (ii) It is \…