Interactions related to non-host snails in the host-finding process of Euparyphium albuferensis and Echinostoma friedi (Trematoda: Echinostomatidae) miracidia.
In order to determine whether the miracidia of Euparyphium albuferensis and Echinostoma friedi are sensitive to their host snail (HS) and capable of discriminating between HS and non-host snails (NHS), or whether these NHS can interfere and thus reduce the infection rates (decoy effect), a total of three experiments were conducted with HS, NHS and snail-conditioned water (SCW). Gyraulus chinensis is the HS for E. albuferensis miracidia, while Physa acuta, Radix peregra and Lymnaea fuscus are considered NHS. For E. friedi miracidia R. peregra, G. chinensis and L. fuscus are the HS, while P. acuta is the NHS. The NHS R. peregra produces the greatest decoy effect on Euparyphium albuferensis mi…