Maria Carla Gilardi 1

High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound- and Radiation Therapy-Induced Immuno-modulation: Comparison and Potential Opportunities

In recent years, high-intensity focused ultrasound (HIFU) has emerged as a new and promising non-invasive and non-ionizing ablative technique for the treatment of localized solid tumors. Extensive pre-clinical and clinical studies have evidenced that, in addition to direct destruction of the primary tumor, HIFU-thermoablation may elicit long-term systemic host anti-tumor immunity. In particular, an important consequence of HIFU treatment includes the release of tumor-associated antigens (TAAs), the secretion of immuno-suppressing factors by cancer cells and the induction of cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) activity. Radiation therapy (RT) is the main treatment modality used for many types of tu…

research product

An enhanced random walk algorithm for delineation of head and neck cancers in PET studies

An algorithm for delineating complex head and neck cancers in positron emission tomography (PET) images is presented in this article. An enhanced random walk (RW) algorithm with automatic seed detection is proposed and used to make the segmentation process feasible in the event of inhomogeneous lesions with bifurcations. In addition, an adaptive probability threshold and a k-means based clustering technique have been integrated in the proposed enhanced RW algorithm. The new threshold is capable of following the intensity changes between adjacent slices along the whole cancer volume, leading to an operator-independent algorithm. Validation experiments were first conducted on phantom studies:…

research product