Nora Mustonen

Yhteistyösuhteen ja potilaan voinnin jatkuva seuranta työmenetelmänä psykiatrisessa avohoidossa

Tässä pro gradu –tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin yhteistyösuhteen ja potilaan voinnin jatkuvaa seurantaa työmenetelmänä aikuispsykiatrisessa avohoidossa. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys muodostuu viimeaikaisessa psykoterapiatutkimuksessa tuloksellisen hoidon kannalta keskeisiksi todetuista käsitteistä ja periaatteista: allianssi eli yhteistyösuhde, prosessinäkökulma ja asiakaslähtöisyys. Empiirisenä kontekstina on psykiatrisessa avohoidossa yhteisökeskeisen hoidon periaatteiden mukaan toimiva, moniammatillinen kriisityöryhmä, joka on suuntautunut erityisesti psykoottisesti oireilevien henkilöiden hoitamiseen pääsääntöisesti parityöskentelynä tehtävin kotikäynnein. Tutkimusta ohjasi kaksi ky…

research product

Customer Environmental Values and Their Contribution to Loyalty in Industrial Markets

Concern over the effect of industries on the natural environment is growing on a multitude of levels. This study examines the effects of how perceptions of (a) environmental values, (b) green image and (c) perceived value of industrial customers influence their loyalty towards suppliers in existing relationships, and how the length of B2B relationships may moderate these linkages. A conceptual framework is developed and data are collected from a global sample (N =121) of B2B customers. We find that both green image and perceived value have a direct positive link with customer loyalty and that environmental values are positively linked to the green image of the supplier. Moreover, the effect…

research product

The role of digital channels in industrial marketing communications

Purpose – The purpose of this research is to investigate industrial marketing communications tools and the role of digital channels. The research draws from the literature on industrial marketing communications to examine its goals and intended utilization in industrial firms. Design/methodology/approach – An empirical multiple case study conducted among six industrial firms examines the current state of digital marketing communications (DMC). Findings – The study gleans three research insights. First, although DMC is one of the most important industrial marketing communication tools, firms have not yet used it to its full potential. Second, firms use DMC to enhance customer relationship c…

research product

Customer Environmental Values and Their Contribution to Loyalty in Industrial Markets

Concern over the effect of industries on the natural environment is growing on a multitude of levels. This study examines the effects of how perceptions of (a) environmental values, (b) green image and (c) perceived value of industrial customers influence their loyalty towards suppliers in existing relationships, and how the length of B2B relationships may moderate these linkages. A conceptual framework is developed and data are collected from a global sample (N =121) of B2B customers. We find that both green image and perceived value have a direct positive link with customer loyalty and that environmental values are positively linked to the green image of the supplier. Moreover, the effect…

research product