Kaarlo Laine
Results From Finland's 2016 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth.
Background:Finland’s 2016 Report Card on Physical Activity for Children and Youth gathers and translates research results and assesses the status and promotion of physical activity (PA) among Finnish children and youth less than 18 years of age. This article summarizes the results and provides grades for 9 indicators.Methods:The working group evaluated the evidence and assigned grades of A (highest, 81% to 100%), B, C, D, or F (lowest, 0% to 20%) for 9 PA indicators using the Active Healthy Kids Canada Report Card development process.Results:The grades varied in Finland as follows: 1) Overall PA/fulfillment of recommendations = D, 2) Organized Sport Participation = C, 3) Active Play = C, 4)…
Differences in physical activity at recess and school-related social factors in four Finnish lower secondary schools
This study investigated the differences in physical activity (PA) at recess and school-related social factors, and described school PA promotion processes and staff experiences at four lower secondary schools from the Finnish Schools on the Move programme. Recess PA, peer relationships at school, relatedness to school, and school climate were assessed via surveys with eighth-grade students in spring 2011 (n ¼ 385) and spring 2013 (n ¼ 373). Local contact people in the school projects (n ¼ 6), school staff (n ¼ 83) and principals (n ¼ 3) provided information on the PA promotion process via telephone interviews and surveys. Differences in student-level data in years 2011 and 2013 were analyse…
Feasibility of a Responsibility-Based Leadership Training Program for Novice Physical Activity Instructors
Most coaches and instructors would like to teach more than just sport skills to their athletes and children. However, to promote athletes’ or children’s holistic development and teach them to take responsibility and lead, requires the coaches and instructors to first master the skills themselves. Therefore, feasible, high quality leadership training programs where coaches and physical activity instructors are taught to teach and share leadership are needed. The aim of the current study was to evaluate the feasibility of a leadership training program to optimize it and to determine whether to proceed with its evaluation. In the leadership training program, eight Finnish novice physical activ…
Yläkoululaisten subjektiivisen sosiaalisen aseman yhteys välituntiliikuntaan ja osallisuuteen
Adolescents' physical activity at recess and actions to promote a physically active school day in four Finnish schools
The national Finnish Schools on the Move programme support schools with their individual plans to promote school-based physical activity (PA). We examined the changes in adolescents’ recess and overall PA in four lower secondary schools and described the school actions to promote students’ PA and the local contact persons’ perceptions of the effects. Recess and overall PA were assessed four times by anonymous questionnaires from students in grades 7–9 (n = 789) in 2010–12, and local contact persons (n = 7) provided information on school actions with diaries, interviews and surveys. Student data were analysed with descriptive statistics and chi-square tests, and school actions data were anal…
Changes in physical activity and sedentary time in the Finnish Schools on the Move program: a quasi-experimental study
The aim of the Finnish Schools on the Move program is to create a more active and pleasant school day through physical activity (PA). In this quasi-experimental design, we compared changes in moderate-to-vigorous-intensity physical activity (MVPA) and sedentary time (ST) during the school day and outside school hours for Grades 1–9 over two academic years in four program schools and two reference schools. Altogether 319 girls and boys aged 7–15 participated in the study between 2010 and 2012. MVPA and ST were measured four times over the 1.5-year follow-up period for seven consecutive days, using a hip-worn ActiGraph accelerometer. Linear growth curve modeling was used to examine the effect…
Nuorten koulussa kokeman sosiaalisen tuen yhteys subjektiiviseen sosiaaliseen asemaan ja liikkumiseen
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää nuorten kouluyhteisössä syntyvien kokemusten ja liikkumisen välisiä yhteyksiä. Kokemuksellisuutta tarkastellaan nuorten kokeman sosiaalisen tuen sekä subjektiivisen sosiaalisen aseman näkökulmista. Sosiaalinen tuki koostuu yläkoululaisten kokemuksista opettajan ja oppilaan välisistä suhteista, oppilaiden keskinäisistä suhteista sekä vanhemmilta saadusta tuesta. Tutkimusaineisto kerättiin sähköisenä kyselynä keväällä 2015, ja tutkimukseen osallistui 2 026 yläkoululaista. Nuoret jaettiin kuuteen ryhmään sen mukaan, millaista sosiaalista tukea he kokivat saavansa. Vahvaksi koettu tuki yhdistyi korkeammaksi koettuun sosiaaliseen asemaan koulussa. Vanhemmil…
Associations of subjective social status with accelerometer-based physical activity and sedentary time among adolescents
This study examined the associations of subjective social status (SSS) with physical activity (PA) and sedentary time (ST) among adolescents. The study population consisted of 420 Finnish adolescents aged 13 to 14 years. The adolescents reported their own SSS within their school (school SSS) and their family's social position within society (society SSS) based on the youth version of the Subjective Social Status Scale. Adolescents' moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity (MVPA) and ST were measured objectively by accelerometers and analyzed separately for the whole day and the school day. The associations between SSS and MVPA and ST outcomes were analyzed using multilevel modeling…
Päällekkäisjäsenyydet liikunnan ja urheilun organisaatioverkostoissa
Interlocking directorates in sports organization network Focus in this article is on interlocking directorates in sports organization network. The aim is to study the networks ́ structure and how it has changed during the time period 1993–2014. The data consists of central organizations boards and states sport policy working groups (n=121). The data have been analysed in Ucinet-network program. Results indicates that power-elite have come narrow year by year, but there ́s seven organization which have been in central position in every decade. The conclusion is, that in the sports organization network, there have been at the same both momentariness and perfusion, but the power-elite have bee…
Feasibility of a Responsibility-Based Leadership Training Program for Novice Physical Activity Instructors
Most coaches and instructors would like to teach more than just sport skills to their athletes and children. However, to promote athletes' or children's holistic development and teach them to take responsibility and lead, requires the coaches and instructors to first master the skills themselves. Therefore, feasible, high quality leadership training programs where coaches and physical activity instructors are taught to teach and share leadership are needed. The aim of the current study was to evaluate the feasibility of a leadership training program to optimize it and to determine whether to proceed with its evaluation. In the leadership training program, eight Finnish novice physical activ…
Training programme for novice physical activity instructors using Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility (TPSR) model : a programme development and protocol
Previous research indicates that programmes employing Hellison?s Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility (TPSR) model in physical activity have had a positive impact on youth development by increasing participants? positive values, autonomy, life skills, and prosocial behaviour. Despite encouraging results of the effects of TPSR-based programmes, there remains lack of research on the effective content of these programmes, and their implementation and evaluation. The current protocol article describes the development of a TPSR-based instructor training programme and a plan for an intervention study in which novice instructors learn to understand and apply the TPSR model in practice. The …
Koulukuvia : koulu nuorten kokemistilana
Young athletes’ significant experiences in sport : critical sociological reflections on athlete development
AbstractThe aim of this article is to provide a sociological perspective on athlete development by using the theoretical framework of socialization and life course. Significant experiences are used as an interpretational tool to study young athletes’ perceptions of their socialization process. The research data, which were collected at a sports upper secondary school, consist of life historical interviews with 26 young athletes aged 14–17 years. Through content analysis, their significant experiences in sports were divided into four categories and then analyzed further in relation to the Habermasian dualistic reality of the lifeworld and the system. The results were the following. First, no…
Recess physical activity and school-related social factors in Finnish primary and lower secondary schools: cross-sectional associations.
Abstract Background Participation in physical activities provides students with opportunities for social interaction and social skills development. The purpose of this study was to investigate the associations of students’ recess physical activity with school-related social factors. Methods Data were collected in 19 schools countrywide in autumn 2010, and 1463 students from grades 4 and 5 (primary school) and from grades 7 and 8 (lower secondary school) completed an anonymous questionnaire. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to investigate whether self-reported physical activity at recess was associated with peer relationships at school, relatedness to school and school clim…