Serena Del Puglia

Exhibition Design Stories : metodi e pratiche di fruizione della cultura

Museums, the main actors in the conservation and communication of works and promoters of a cultural offer, are at the center of a profound transformation; the technological aspects are the most obvious phenomenon, which increases the ability to accommodate and structure an ever-increasing request for participation and socialization on the part of the user. In particular, the importance of museum accessibility is described through the activation of participatory design processes which, through a narrative construction, are able to produce meaningful knowledge processes. The designer is able to articulate, mediate, coordinate, with awareness and effectiveness, the great complexity implemented…

research product

Ecomusei e micromusei

Faced with a renewed framework of museology, the concept of cultural heritage, expanding enormously, refers to a great complexity of underlying elements, stories and relationships that require and await a necessary narrative, conveyed by material and immaterial, communicative artifacts. Design is called, today more and more often, to operate within the complexity of design strategies that are able to develop new ways of enhancing, communicating and using cultural heritage and traditional productions rooted in the territories, exploring their multiple aspects also through methodologies of highly experimental design (interactive, multimedia). Each ecomuseum represents a unique reality, by ter…

research product

Facciate di luce: nuovi scenari urbani … verso una luminosa forma partecipativa

Dopo una breve sequenza di tappe storiche, nel corso del XX secolo, che segna alcuni passaggi significa­tivi nell’evoluzione del progetto luminoso applicato alla facciata degli edifici, la ricerca focalizza l’attenzione su intenzionalità, strumentazioni, intenti comunicativi e di spettacolarità di alcuni interventi a carattere artistico realizzati nell’ultimo trentennio (dagli anni ‘80 a oggi), che individuano modificazioni figurative, funzionali e di significato della facciata degli edifici e con essa di un nuovo paesaggio urbano notturno. Grazie all’avanzamento tecnico-tecnologico che realizza la rivoluzione digitale, la facciata luminosa sostituisce o talora affianca alle componenti comm…

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research product

Progetto luce: le facciate degli edifici nella città contemporanea. Scenari di uno sviluppo tecnologico sostenibile.

research product

Convivere con le emergenze. Design e nuovi scenari domestici

The contribution leads a reflection around the physical-relational processes that have always characterized the domestic interior and that the recent state of health emergency Covid-19 (and the even more recent Russian-Ukrainian war conflict) has catalysed and accentuated, if not exasperated, offering new complex and sometimes contradictory visions. The contribution points to focus on new meanings and new projections, in terms of interactions and relationships, assumed by the consolidated physical-cultural criteria of proximity/remoteness, familiarity/foreignness, inside/outside. Within these profound transformations, an opportunity and a new role are looming for the disciplines of design. …

research product

Progetto luce. Scenari futuri per una città sostenibile.

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Slow/Fast. Piccoli oggetti al di là dell'interno

Contemporary behavioural scenarios change quickly, linked to habits aimed at continuous displacements, with variable panoramas and places of reference. Human activities, traditionally related with the domestic interior, are located outside. New paces and frenetic ways of life reduce to a minimum the time dedicated to primary needs, primarily the need for eating. Lunch breaks are quick and optimised, the rituals of "eating together around the table" have changed profoundly, often relegated to a few small occasions. The result is an essential relapse into the world of objects, ready to condense the ritual of solitary consumption of the meal, in a simple and immediate, rapid gesture. At the sa…

research product

Re-build landscape. Design for the reuse of abandoned quarries

Looking at the history of our geological and mining heritage, we can see the evolution of the role played by underground mining sites over the centuries. However, if the activity of quarrying stones is as old as the presence of humans on earth, the issue of the territorial regeneration, based on the recovery and re-functionalization of abandoned quarries, is one of the central arguments of the contemporary debate. The extractive activity that on one hand constitutes an important economic resource for numerous territories, on the other hand requires particular attention to the environmental impact it causes. The theme is that of the so-called drosscapes, soils and residual spaces, once margi…

research product

Fake News. Soluzioni design driven per il citizen journalism

Il progetto PO FESR “Fake News” sviluppa una ricerca che mette in campo le metodologie e gli strumenti progettuali del design della comunicazione e dell’informazione con l’obiettivo di elaborare nuove possibilità di rendere più efficaci i meccanismi automatici di valutazione dell’autenticità, originalità e rilevanza dell’informazione prodotta dal giornalismo partecipativo. Nell’ambito interdisciplinare (giornalismo, informatica, sociologia, etc.) interessato dal progetto, il contributo del design ha articolato un’ampia ricognizione sulle molteplici dimensioni del fenomeno e in particolare sulle interazioni tra design dell’informazione e giornalismo etico e partecipativo. Le connessioni tra …

research product

Citizen journalism and social innovation. Digital platforms for qualitative implementation of participatory journalism

The power of the media, internet, social networks and sharing platforms system, together with the pervasiveness of digital tools in everyone’s life, have made communication an ever more articulated, and increasingly complex field. In addition to accelerating the dissemination of content and information, these tools have opened the door to extensive participatory information processes. The article takes some emblematic case studies of participatory journalism platforms that can make a valuable contribution to setting in motion co-design processes in the news world. Within this framework, an attempt will be made to frame a scenario in which design can find its own place in a planning space ye…

research product

Una casa senza pareti. Visioni dal mondo del design del XXI secolo

The domestic environment, as a space in continuous evolution, is called today to respond to some socio-cultural transformations, largely due to pressing technological innovations, which have profoundly changed the relationships between people and between them and the space of the house. These transformations redesign private spaces with a massive encroachment of the public sphere into the private one and vice versa, creating large areas of permeability in the confines of the house. The article analyzes some aspects of this phenomenon, intersecting the disciplinary contribution of design with the architectural and interior design, through some contemporary case studies.

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Emotional shops

Nowadays, shops are not anymore places for consumption but micro-worlds of individual and social life. Selling acquires many and various meanings and the shopping center becomes a cultural and spiritual center. The choise of a brand is not anymore a choise of consumption but a lifestyle. Many elements concur in defining the communicative strategies of selling (complex corporate image [1]): advertising, logo, marketing, design of objects, shop windows, promotional events. And all of them seem to become values of life: claim is a motto (“Impossible is nothing” by Adidas); the logo is an identification mark for the consumer-customer (‘swoosh’ by Nike is tattooed on the skin); the testimonials …

research product

La luz y el color en la arquitectura contemporánea: los nuevos escenarios urbanos

"Cuando a finales del siglo XIX, Claude Monet pintó la catedral de Rouen, vista en diferentes horas del día, desde el amanecer al atardecer, nos da una demostración de cómo un solo monumento podría tener configuraciones y aspectos diferentes debido exclusivamente a la capacidad de la luz de modelar formas. Pero también nos da otra lección: de cuanto sea importante en la fruición de un lugar la posibilidad de leer el paso del tiempo a través de la alteración de la percepción debida a la evolución de las formas y los colores, específicamente en relación con el cambio de luz "[1]. La investigación se propone una reinterpretación del paisaje urbano, considerando el proyecto luz como elemento in…

research product

Fake News. Progetto di un algoritmo contro le false verità

As part of the Smart Specialization Strategy (RIS3), funded by the European Union, the Sicilian Region has promoted the Fake News project in agreement with the aim of developing information exchange and comparison tools online. The goal is to concentrate European resources in emerging technological sectors that can really develop in the same region by focusing on the construction of local knowledge, rather than on the transfer of high-cost external technological resources. Fake News project has the main objective the experimentation of advanced ICT technologies (artificial intelligence) applied to the phenomenon of disinformation, through the dialogue between the private entrepreneur (a com…

research product

Light project e strumenti digitali: per una fruizione narrativa dei beni culturali

Lighting design, exhibition design and communication design play together a very important and significant role during the processes related to conservation, requalification, restoration, promotion and fruition of cultural heritage. Through the selection of some projects of light design, in association with the use of new technologies and digital tools, the article describes new design processes for the fruition and promotion of cultural heritage. Expanding the concepts of conservation, fruition and promotion of cultural heritage, these projects encourage a very deep relation between the cultural heritage and the visitor, who moves in a “cognitive and emotional space increased” by the combi…

research product

Narrativo digitale : nuove frontiere dell'esporre

Nello scenario contemporaneo, la narrazione, quale fulcro dei processi progettuali legati alla tutela, conservazione, valorizzazione e fruizione dei beni culturali e delle opere, si lega ad un diffuso processo di normalizzazione dell’uso delle tecnologie digitali in molteplici aspetti che caratterizzano la comunicazione delle opere all’interno del museo e degli allestimenti. Le nuove tecnologie si inseriscono in tali processi, fornendo nuovi impulsi alle attività di comunicazione del museo, privilegiando una nuova forma di socialità interattiva e di centralità dell’utente, reso abile nella definizione e risignificazione dei contenuti trasmessi. Nuovi scenari di interazione rendono possibile…

research product

Design and Culture of the Territory: Ecomuseo del Grano e del Pane in the Salemi Museum System

The article deals with design experimentation in the complex and composite field of design for the culture of the territory, aimed at enhancing the particular resources common to the Mediterranean areas, through an incremental and collaborative design methodology. The town of Salemi (TP) inherited an extraordinary concentration of cultural heritage from its history; in particular the preparation and display of the decorated breads for the Festivity of San Giuseppe, occurring on March 19th, which expresses a profound religiosity and a complex rituality, shared, handed down and recognized as an intan- gible cultural asset to be protected. In this territorial context, a vision aimed at encour-…

research product

Storie di oggetti (e di sogni) perduti. Musei contemporanei per ritrovarsi

What happens to humanity discarded by history? To the broken dreams (of love and life)?What to do with the objects that fill our life as "fragile ruins" of a dream lost forever? The article, looking at various contemporary projects of permanent museums and temporary exhibitions, intends to outline and lead a reflection on the radical paradigm change that intervenes in the exhibition processes and in the strategies of emotional engagement within contemporary museological policies. Conceived as places of encounter and relationship, museums are open to communities and individual stories. In particular, the emotion of lost guided the constitution of collections of objects, in a series of exhibi…

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Light runs through the city

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La luce come materiale d’invenzione

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La struttura profonda della scenografia attraverso Propp

research product

Design For Territorial Innovation. Participatory design process and good practices for socio-cultural sustainability

This article studies at length the role of design within territorial socio-cultural transformation. It investigates and describes the industriousness of projects/processes which are particularly effective for social and territorial innovation and are applied above all, to fragile and problematic urban contexts. It focuses on communities and its inhabitants who are often excluded from traditional narrative through some particularly significant projects, with an emphasis on concrete experiences of recent projects in southern Italy. Thus, the article, traverses topics and critical points of a more extensive and profound disciplinary refection, it explores innovative roles of design in the soci…

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Cappuccetto rosso giallo blu verde e bianco ai Dipartimenti di Scienze di Parco d’Orleans

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A Marsala, Monocromo: l'Utopia del colore si fa realtà

Recensione della mostra Monocromo,L'utopia del colore, Convento del Carmine, Marsala

research product

Ephemeral Arts Connection 2011: così le cave di Marsala sono diventate uno spazio scenico unico...

Sintesi dei risultati dell'Ephemeral Arts Connection 2011, 2° workshop internazionale in Sicilia. Le cave dismesse diventano traccia storica di un’attività produttiva peculiare del territorio, memoria dell’intervento dell’uomo sulla natura, scenario naturale da salvaguardare e valorizzare pensando e proponendo usi e fruizioni alternativi. Il workshop ha lavorato a partire dalla riflessione sulle modificazioni del paesaggio e delle sue risorse, sull’intervento dell’uomo quale produttore di eventi spaziali di alta concentrazione che danno luogo a trasformazioni urbane e territoriali di grande rilevanza paesistica. La coscienza del valore ambientale acquisito come bene comune, la proiezione a …

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