Colajanni B
Formare e rappresentare: protagonismi incrociati
VEA double skin facade: a contribution to sustainability
Modellazione generativa per la progettazione e costruzione assistita: sperimentazione nella riqualificazione dell'involucro di edfici industriali
The paper presents the implementation of a computer system destined to act in the field of the renovation and restoration of industrial buildings with prefabricated structures. Its aim is to support the interaction-dialog between design ideas, systems, sub-systems and components. The implemented interactive software executes real-time consistency among design solutions, constructive hypotheses, materials and building processes, in systematic relationships. The implemented system differs from the present CAD systems. Whereas the latter privilege the representation of geometries or design components, the former models not only components and systems exploiting its advanced parametric capabili…
Involucro, crocevia di segni, mode e tecnologia
The word “envelope, involucro” has, in Italian, two meanings. First, it denotes the physical object that envelops something else of which it hides and substitutes the appearance. The second meaning, metaphorical, identifies a set of concepts and thoughts. In architecture, the envelope expresses both meanings, gives physical body to the first, and, in the same time reveals intentions and cultural premises of the architect. Specially innovative are the works of the so called top few architects. Their projects present three main reasons of interest, if observed from a designer’s point of view. The first: the procedure of generating shapes, tightly linked with the representation possibilities a…