Enzamaria Tramontana

Dignidad humana y protección de los derechos económicos sociales y culturales en la jurisprudencia de la Corte interamericana de derechos humanos: el nuevo concepto del derecho a una vida digna

El presente ensayo pretende reconstruir la evolución del concepto del derecho a una vida digna en el jurisprudencia de la Corte interamericana de derechos humanos. De acuerdo con esta noción, el alcance de protección del derecho a la vida no se limita a la prohibición de la privación arbitraria de esta, sino, también, incluye el derecho de vivir en condiciones compatibles con la dignidad de la persona.

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Uccisioni mirate, legittima difesa preventiva e diritti umani

Targeted killings by drones on the territory of other States has increasingly become the US Administration’s weapon of choice in the war against terrorism. According to the US, these operations constitute a justified use of self-defensive force «against terrorists who pose a continuing and imminent threat to the American people» (Remarks by the President at the National Defense University, 23 May 2013, www.whitehouse.gov). The aim of the present article is to assess the validity of this justification under both ius ad bellum and international human rights law. To this end, Section 1 introduces the arguments advanced by the US Administration. Section 2 explores the admissibility of anticipat…

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Meriti e limiti dell’azione del Comitato ONU contro la tortura alla luce dell’inchiesta sul Brasile

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Recepción e impacto de los tratados internacionales de derechos humanos en Francia

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Lucha contra la violencia de género. Aportes del Sistema Interamericano de Derechos Humanos

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Article 9 – Non-Governmental Organisations and Civil Society

Under Article 9 of the Council of Europe Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (‘the Convention’), States Parties are required to ‘recognise, encourage and support’ the work of nongovernmental and civil society organisations active in combating violence against women, and to ‘establish effective co-operation’ with these organisations.Specific references to nongovernmental organisations (‘NGOs’) and civil society organisations (‘CSOs’) can also be found in Article 7, paragraph 3, calling for NGOs and CSOs to be included, by the Parties to the Convention, in the design and implementation of all policies addressing violence against women and domest…

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Diritti delle popolazioni indigene e controllo sulle operazioni della Banca mondiale in alcune recenti decisioni del Panel di ispezione

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Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives and New Models of Co-Regulation in the Field of Business and Human Rights

Since the late 1990s, a new paradigm of international cooperation, taking the form of a vast array of so-called ‘multi-stakeholder initiatives’ (MSIs), has increasingly gained importance in the field of business and human rights (B&HRs), where MSIs engage in the establishment and implementation of standards of conduct, reporting formats, and certification schemes, directed at helping companies to address the possible adverse human rights impacts of their activities. Although these developments have received increasing scholarly attention, there remains a great need for further in-depth inquiry about the nature and effects of this new model of co-regulation. In particular, what can be sa…

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Reflections on the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

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The participation of Non-State Actors in the UNESCO Cultural Diversity Convention: Current Status and Proposals for Reform

The paper is articulated into four sections. The first section illustrates the CPPDCE’s legal framework for engagement with actors other than States. It shows that this framework expresses a ''functionalist'' emphasis on NSAs’ capacity of contrib-uting to the adoption of higher quality decisions on the part of States and facilitating their implementation. The second section investigates the relationship between NSAs and the Convention’s bodies. It argues that the existing ''functionalist-oriented'' regula-tion not only has prevented basic stakeholders from having access to the Convention’s processes, but has also created imbalances among participants, to the detriment of the Convention’s ve…

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Los derechos sexuales y reproductivos. B. Sistema interamericano

El texto analiza el tema del derecho de las mujeres a la salud reproductiva en la practica de la Corte interamericanas de derechos humanos. En ese sentido, el autor propone analizar el contenido, alcance y límites de la libertad sexual y de la reproducción sexual asistida en el marco de dos emblemáticas sentencias de la Corte Interamericana: Karen Atala Riffo y niñas vs. Chile, así como, Artavia Murillo y otros vs. Costa Rica, con la finalidad de evidenciar los derechos que efectivizan el ejercicio de estos, el concepto abierto y dinámico de los mismos

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Civil society participation in international decision making: recent developments and future perspectives in the indigenous rights arena

This article focuses on key issues and recent developments concerning indigenous peoples' involvement in international decision making affecting their rights and interests. Based on a human rights-based approach to participation, it suggests that while a number of positive steps have been taken to allow indigenous peoples the possibility to take part to, and influence, relevant intergovernmental decision-making processes, there's a need to provide their own self-governing institutions and organisations with a more influential status than that granted to civil society organisations (CSOs) generally, whereby they can exercise different levels of participatory rights, depending upon the nature…

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Hacia la consolidación de la perspectiva de género en el Sistema Interamericano: avances y desafíos a la luz de la recientejurisprudencia de la Corte de San José

Objetivo del articulo es determinar si y en qué medida, la Corte de San José ha contribuido con sus decisiones más recientes a integrar la perspectiva de género en el Sistema Interamericano de Derechos Humanos, poniéndose al paso con las actuales tendencias del Derecho Internacional en materia de protección de los derechos humanos de las mujeres y, de esa manera, promoviendo su ulterior desarrollo.

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Instrumentos y mecanismos para la igualdad de género y la protección de los derechos de las mujeres en el marco de la Organización de los Estados Americanos

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El desarrollo de los instrumentos de proteccion de los derechos de las mujeres en los sistemas regionales de derechos humanos. B. Sistema interamericano

El artículo analiza los instrumentos de protección de los derechos de las mujeres en el marco del Sistema interamericano de derechos humanos y la actividad de la Organización de los Estados Americanos sobre igualdad de género, con especial atención a la labor de la Comisión Interamericana de Mujeres y a la Relatoría sobre los Derechos de las Mujeres.

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El derecho de las mujeres a la salud reproductiva en el marco del Sistema Interamericano de Derechos Humanos

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The Contribution of the Inter-American Human Rights Bodies to Evolving International Law on Indigenous Rights over Lands and Natural Resources

AbstractBecause of the special relationship with land that characterises indigenous groups, rights over land and natural resources are at the heart of indigenous claims under international law. The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and the Inter-American Court have developed a copious jurisprudence on the subject matter and contributed to the establishment of certain minimum indigenous peoples' land rights under customary international law. This article analyses the Inter-American judicial discourse on land issues in the light of the current status of relevant international law and reflects upon the potential contribution of the former to the further development of the latter. It fo…

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Discriminación y violencia de género. Aportes del sistema interamericano de derechos humanos

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La participación de las ONG en el Sistema Interamericano de Protección de los Derechos Humanos: avances, desafíos y perspectivas

Objetivo del ensayo es examinar la actividad que las organizaciones de la sociedad civil cumplen en relación con la Comisión y la Corte interamericana de derechos humanos, con particular referencia al rol desempeñado por las ONGs en asegurar un mayor acceso a la justicia a las victimas de abusos a los derechos humanos, y a su contribución al enriquecimiento del debate judicial a través de la figura del amicus curiae.

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Obblighi degli Stati in tema di assistenza medica alla maternità: il caso Alyne da Silva Pimentel dinanzi al Comitato sull’eliminazione della discriminazione contro le donne

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La dimensione collettiva dei diritti dei popoli indigeni nella giurisprudenza della Corte interamericana dei diritti dell’uomo: il caso Comunidad Indígena Sawhoyamaxa vs. Paraguay

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I diritti dei popoli indigeni sulle risorse naturali in una recente sentenza della Corte interamericana dei diritti umani

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Indigenous Rights

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Discriminazione indiretta e nozione di uguaglianza: il caso D.H. e altri c. Repubblica Ceca

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La recente riforma del sistema americano di protezione dei diritti dell'uomo

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The Participation of NGOs in the Dynamics of International Law-Making

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Corte interamericana dei diritti umani e "diritto alla verità": il caso Kawas Fernández

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Organizzazioni non governative e ordinamento internazionale

Il volume è suddiviso in parti. Nella prima si cerca di disegnare l’evoluzione storica delle ONG nell’ambito della vita giuridica internazionale, dalle origini fino all’epoca attuale. L’indagine ha come obiettivo principale quello di fornire un inquadramento generale del fenomeno in esame, portando alla luce i fattori che ne hanno influenzato lo sviluppo e i caratteri di fondo. Al contempo, però, essa servirà a introdurre alcuni tra i più rilevanti temi del dibattito attuale sulle organizzazioni non governative, temi che saranno riproposti e discussi criticamente nella terza parte della ricerca. Si procederà, ai fini indicati, lungo la distinzione tra cinque, diverse fasi storiche: la prima…

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Global Public Goods and International Law: Insights from International Forest Protection

The aim of the present article is to contribute to this endeavour by identifying the weak-nesses of, and the areas for improvement in, the current global forest regulatory and institu-tional framework, through an analysis conducted using the lens of the concept of global public goods as transposed into, and shaped by, the discipline of international law. To this end, Section 2 starts by providing an overview of the origins of the concept of global public goods in political science and economy. Section 3 brings to the fore the value that the in-ternational legal discipline might add to the global public goods discourse. Section 4 pro-ceeds by explaining forest sustainable management protecti…

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