A. Tagarelli
Olive wood as possible bioaccumulator of heavy metals: analytical method by ICP-MS. GC-MS analysis
Sand clams of Ganzirri marine coastal lagoon in Messina (Italy). Extraction and ICP-MS analysis
This paper studies the possible forms or phases of heavy metals in sediments of a marine coastal lagoon, called Ganzirri, located in the Sicilian coast of the Messina’s strait by using sequential extraction. To reduce the extraction time of the Tessier method, the last step of speciation was carried out by mineralization in a microwave oven. Here we report the results of the distribution of As, Be, Cd, Co, Cr, Cu, Mo, Ni, Pb, Sb, Se, Tl, V and Zn, in four fractions of sediments samples and the concentration of the same metals in clams. This study looked at three bivalve mollusc species, Tapes decussates, Chamelea gallina and Cardium edule, raised in the sediment considered and discussed the…
La vicenda arbereshe tra storia e mito
I primi anni dell'insediamento albanese in Sicilia attraverso ricostruzioni mitiche relative sia alla dimensione religiosa che a quella legata all'intelligentsia locale: vera e propria costruzione d'identità.