Francesco Fauci
Mammographic images segmentation based on chaotic map clustering algorithm
Background: This work investigates the applicability of a novel clustering approach to the segmentation of mammographic digital images. The chaotic map clustering algorithm is used to group together similar subsets of image pixels resulting in a medically meaningful partition of the mammography. Methods: The image is divided into pixels subsets characterized by a set of conveniently chosen features and each of the corresponding points in the feature space is associated to a map. A mutual coupling strength between the maps depending on the associated distance between feature space points is subsequently introduced. On the system of maps, the simulated evolution through chaotic dynamics leads…
Classifier trained on dissimilarity representation of medical pattern: A comparative study.
In this paper we investigate the feasibility of some typical techniques of pattern recognition for the classification of medical examples. The learning of the classifiers is not made in the traditional features space but it can be made by constructing decision rules on dissimilarity (distance) representations. In such a recognition process a new object is described by its distances to (a subset of) the training samples. Purpose of this work is the development of an automatic classification system which could be useful for radiologists in the investigation of breast cancer. The software has been designed in the framework of the MAGIC-5 collaboration. In the automatic classification system th…
Spectroscopic response of a CdZnTe multiple electrode detector
Abstract The spectroscopic performances of a CdZnTe detector (crystal size: 5×5×0.9 mm 3 ) with five electrodes (cathode, anode and three steering electrodes) were studied. The anode layout, which consists of a circular electrode ( φ =80 μm) surrounded by two ring electrodes (gap=100 μm; radial width Δ r =100 μm) and by one electrode that extends to the edge of the crystal, is mostly sensitive to the electron carriers, overcoming the well known effect of the hole trapping in the measured spectra. We report on the spectroscopic response of the detector at different bias voltages of the electrodes and at various photon energies ( 109 Cd, 241 Am and 57 Co sources). The CdZnTe detector exhibits…
Unsupervised clustering method for pattern recognition in IIF images
Autoimmune diseases are a family of more than 80 chronic, and often disabling, illnesses that develop when underlying defects in the immune system lead the body to attack its own organs, tissues, and cells. Diagnosis of autoimmune pathologies is based on research and identification of antinuclear antibodies (ANA) through indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) method and is performed by analyzing patterns and fluorescence intensity. We propose here a method to automatically classify the centromere pattern based on the grouping of centromeres on the cells through a clustering K-means algorithm. The described method was tested on a public database (MIVIA). The results of the test showed an Accuracy…
A multi-process system for HEp-2 cells classification based on SVM
An automatic system for pre-segmented IIF images analysis was developed.A non-standard pipeline for supervised image classification was adopted.The system uses a two-level pyramid to retain some spatial information.From each cell image 216 features are extracted.15 SVM classifiers one-against-one have been implemented. This study addresses the classification problem of the HEp-2 cells using indirect immunofluorescence (IIF) image analysis, which can indicate the presence of autoimmune diseases by finding antibodies in the patient serum. Recently, studies have shown that it is possible to identify the cell patterns using IIF image analysis and machine learning techniques. In this paper we de…
Study of spectral response of a CZT multiple-electrode detectors
Comparison of two portable solid state detectors with an improved collimation and alignment device for mammographic x-ray spectroscopy.
We describe a portable system for mammographic x-ray spectroscopy, based on a 2 X 2 X 1 mm3 cadmium telluride (CdTe) solid state detector, that is greatly improved over a similar system based on a 3 X 3 X 2 mm3 cadmium zinc telluride (CZT) solid state detector evaluated in an earlier work. The CdTe system utilized new pinhole collimators and an alignment device that facilitated measurement of mammographic x-ray spectra. Mammographic x-ray spectra acquired by each system were comparable. Half value layer measurements obtained using an ion chamber agreed closely with those derived from the x-ray spectra measured by either detector. The faster electronics and other features of the CdTe detecto…
A massive lesion detection algorithm in mammography
A new algorithm for massive lesion detection in mammography is presented. The algorithm consists in three main steps : 1) reduction of the dimension of the image to be processed through the identifi cation of regions of interest (rois) as candidates for massive lesions ; 2) characterization of the roi by means of suitable feature extraction ; 3) pattern classifi cation through supervised neural networks. Suspect regions are detected by searching for local maxima of the pixel grey level intensity. A ring of increasing radius, centered on a maximum, is considered until the mean intensity in the ring decreases to a defi ned fraction of the maximum. The rois thus obtained are described by avera…
A Fuzzy Logic C-Means Clustering Algorithm to Enhance Microcalcifications Clusters in Digital Mammograms
The detection of microcalcifications is a hard task, since they are quite small and often poorly contrasted against the background of images. The Computer Aided Detection (CAD) systems could be very useful for breast cancer control. In this paper, we report a method to enhance microcalcifications cluster in digital mammograms. A Fuzzy Logic clustering algorithm with a set of features is used for clustering microcalcifications. The method described was tested on simulated clusters of microcalcifications, so that the location of the cluster within the breast and the exact number of microcalcifications is known.
Digital filtering and analysis for a semiconductor X-ray detector data acquisition
Abstract Pile-up distortion is a major drawback in X-ray spectroscopy at high count rate. Pulse width narrowing with shaping techniques can lead to the reduction of the pile-up distortion, but a low shaping time reduces the noise filtration and leads to a poor energy resolution. Thus, only a best compromise solution between the pile-up and the noise requirements is achievable. The hardware manipulation needed to adjust the parameters of the traditional electronic shaping amplifiers makes it uneasy to tests various settings in different conditions. Digital techniques can help to overcome such difficulties. A digital signal processing and analysis system for X-ray spectroscopy is described in…
A completely automated CAD system for mass detection in a large mammographic database
Mass localization plays a crucial role in computer-aided detection (CAD) systems for the classification of suspicious regions in mammograms. In this article we present a completely automated classification system for the detection of masses in digitized mammographic images. The tool system we discuss consists in three processing levels: (a) Image segmentation for the localization of regions of interest (ROIs). This step relies on an iterative dynamical threshold algorithm able to select iso-intensity closed contours around gray level maxima of the mammogram. (b) ROI characterization by means of textural features computed from the gray tone spatial dependence matrix (GTSDM), containing secon…
A test to evaluate the impact of the CAD tools in mammographic diagnosis
In this work we present the results of a study about the impact of CAD tools on Sensitivity and Specificity in mammographic diagnosis. The approach is aimed to evaluate the statistical significance through the comparison of these figures of merit obtained in different situations. For this purpose two different CAD tools, the CALMA station (INFN project) and the SecondLook™ station (by CADx) have been used as a support for radiologists.
Preprocessing methods for nodule detection in lung CT
Abstract The use of automatic systems in the analysis of medical images has proven to be very useful to radiologists, especially in the framework of screening programs, in which radiologists make their first diagnosis on the basis of images only, most of those corresponding to healthy patients, and have to distinguish pathological findings from non-pathological ones at an early stage. In particular, we are developing preprocessing methods to be applied for pulmonary nodule Computer Aided Detection in low-dose lung Multi Slice CT (computed tomography) images.
Computer-Assisted Classification Patterns in Autoimmune Diagnostics: The AIDA Project.
International audience; Antinuclear antibodies (ANAs) are significant biomarkers in the diagnosis of autoimmune diseases in humans, done by mean of Indirect ImmunoFluorescence (IIF) method, and performed by analyzing patterns and fluorescence intensity. This paper introduces the AIDA Project (autoimmunity: diagnosis assisted by computer) developed in the framework of an Italy-Tunisia cross-border cooperation and its preliminary results. A database of interpreted IIF images is being collected through the exchange of images and double reporting and a Gold Standard database, containing around 1000 double reported images, has been settled. The Gold Standard database is used for optimization of …
Fast Fourier Transform Filtering for Bilateral Mammography Comparison
Bilateral Asymmetry is one of the breast abnormalities that may indicate a cancer in early stage. The computer methods for the bilateral subtraction developed up to now show the problem of large false positives number because the alignment defects. On the other hand the computer methods using FFT approach suffer of a low S/N ratio to distinguish massive lesions from background. In this paper a method (FFT-RF-BMC) is presented to enhanche the bilateral asymmetry using a FFT to detect massive lesions through a Recursive Filtering.
CT imaging applied to capillary water absorption in sicilian sedimentary rocks used in cultural heritages
Diagnostic Mammographic X-ray spectra analysis with CZT and CdTe solid state detector
Detection and classification of microcalcifications clusters in digitized mammograms
In the present paper we discuss a new approach for the detection of microcalcification clusters, based on neural networks and developed as part of the MAGIC-5 project, an INFN-funded program which aims at the development and implementation of CAD algorithms in a GRID-based distributed environment. The proposed approach has as its roots the desire to maximize the rejection of background during the analytical pre-processing stage, in order to train and test the neural network with as clean as possible a sample and therefore maximize its performance. The algorithm is composed of three modules: the image pre-processing, the feature extraction component and the Backpropagation Neural Network mod…
FLUXEN portable equipment for direct X-ray spectra measurements
Abstract The proper use of imaging equipment in radiological units is based on an appropriate knowledge of the physical characteristics of the X-ray beam used. The FLUXEN PROJECT is working on a portable apparatus which, together with dedicated software, is able to perform an exact spectral reconstruction of the radiation produced in diagnostic X-ray tubes. The apparatus characterizes the energy spectrum of radiological tubes and also provides a measurement of the emitted flux. The acquisition system is based on a commercial CZT detector (3×3×2 mm 3 ), produced by AMPTEK, cooled by a Peltier cell, with a high efficiency in the diagnostic X-ray energy range and modified in the shaping electr…
A fourier-based algorithm for micro-calcification enhancement in mammographic images
Breast cancer is the most widespread cancer in women in the world; it manifests mostly in two forms: microcalcifications and massive lesions. These two forms differ in density, size, shape and number. Consequently, there are two different kinds of mammographic CAD algorithms: those for microcalcifications detection, and those for massive lesions detection. The microcalcifications detection is a hard task, since they are quite small and often poorly contrasted against the background, especially in images affected by digitization noise. In a CAD system the ROI Hunter plays an important role, because missed microcalcifications at this level are definitely lost. For this reason, highlighting me…
Mammogram Segmentation by Contour Searching and Mass Lesions Classification with Neural Network
The mammography is the most effective procedure for an early diagnosis of the breast cancer. In this paper, an algorithm for detecting masses in mammographic images will be presented. The database consists of 3762 digital images acquired in several hospitals belonging to the MAGIC-5 collaboration (Medical Applications on a Grid Infrastructure Connection). A reduction of the whole image's area under investigation is achieved through a segmentation process, by means of a ROI Hunter algorithm, without loss of meaningful information. In the following classification step, feature extraction plays a fundamental role: some features give geometrical information, other ones provide shape parameters.…
GPCALMA: A Grid-based tool for mammographic screening
The next generation of High Energy Physics (HEP) experiments requires a GRID approach to a distributed computing system and the associated data management: the key concept is the Virtual Organisation (VO), a group of distributed users with a common goal and the will to share their resources. A similar approach is being applied to a group of Hospitals which joined the GPCALMA project (Grid Platform for Computer Assisted Library for MAmmography), which will allow common screening programs for early diagnosis of breast and, in the future, lung cancer. HEP techniques come into play in writing the application code, which makes use of neural networks for the image analysis and proved to be useful…
GPCALMA, a mammographic CAD in a GRID connection
Purpose of this work is the development of an automatic system which could be useful for radiologists in the investigation of breast cancer. A breast neoplasia is often marked by the presence of microcalcifications and massive lesions in the mammogram: hence the need for tools able to recognize such lesions at an early stage. GPCALMA (Grid Platform Computer Assisted Library for MAmmography), a collaboration among italian physicists and radiologists, has built a large distributed database of digitized mammographic images (at this moment about 5500 images corresponding to 1650 patients). This collaboration has developed a CAD (Computer Aided Detection) system which, installed in an integrated…
The present invention relates to a method for highlight and to diagnose regions of interest in biomedical radiographic images, useful in the context of a CAD tool processing operating as recond reader during the normal clinical and screening routine, so to reducing the costs of management of the "double reading" procedure.
A method to reduce the FP/imm number through CC and MLO views comparison in mammographic images
In this paper we propose a method to reduce the FP/imm number through CC and MLO mammographic views comparison of the same patient. The proposed solution uses the symmetry properties of the breast to compute a geometric transformation that permits to represent the two images in comparable coordinates systems. Through this method, potential pathological ROIs of one of the projections are correlated with the ROIs in the second view. To show the effectiveness of the result we apply the method on a dataset composed of 112 couples of pathological images. Experiments shows that method enables a reduction by up to 700/0 of the FP/imm number detected after the classification step
It is generally acknowledged that vulnerability mapping represents an essential tool for territory management. Intrinsic vulnerability can be generally described as “the susceptibility of the aquifer systems, in their different components and in different geometric and hydrodynamics situations, to swallow and diffuse, also mitigating the effects, a fluid or water-transported pollutant, in such a way to produce impact on the groundwater quality, in space and time”. Assessment procedures of vulnerability consider a number of parameters, the estimation of which is usually difficult and very often insufficient to correctly represent aquifer’s features. As aquifers are closely influenced by nume…
Dissimilarity Application for Medical Imaging Classification
In the traditional way of learning from examples of objects the classifiers are built in a feature space. However, alternative ways can be found by constructing decision rules on dissimilarity (distance) representations. In such a recognition process a new object is described by its distances to (a subset of) die training samples. The use of the dissimilarities is especially of interest when features are difficult to obtain or when they have a little discriminative power. Purpose of this work is the development of an automatic classification system which could be useful for radiologists in the investigation of breast cancer. The software has been designed in the framework of the MAGIC-5 col…
Computer assisted diagnosis (CAD) in mammography. Comparison of diagnostic accuracy of a new algorithm (Cyclopus(R), Medicad) with two commercial systems
The study compares the diagnostic accuracy (correct identification of cancer) of a new computer-assisted diagnosis (CAD) system (Cyclopus) with two other commercial systems (R2 and CADx). Cyclopus was tested on a set of 120 mammograms on which the two compared commercial systems had been previously tested. The set consisted of mammograms reported as negative, preceding 31 interval cancers reviewed as screening error or minimal sign, and of 89 verified negative controls randomly selected from the same screening database. Cyclopus sensitivity was 74.1% (R2=54.8%; CADx=41.9%) and was higher for interval cancers reviewed as screening error (90.9%; R2=54.5%; CADx=81.8%) compared with those revie…
Metodo di Template Matching per l'Analisi di Immagini
La presente invenzione si riferisce ad un metodo di Template Matching per l’analisi di immagini da ImmunoFluorescenza Indiretta (IFI) per la rivelazione e classificazione automatica di pattern autoanticorpali. L’invenzione qui presentata generalizza il metodo del Template Matching operando innovativamente il mapping del contenuto visuale dell’immagine con particolari funzioni discrete qui denominate “mappatori”; inoltre, utilizzando le informazioni provenienti dalla sovrapposizione dei vari mappatori con un metodo di confronto funzionale, realizza una funzione di correlazione originale. La metodologia descritta nel seguito presenta una flessibilità tale da renderla applicabile a qualsiasi p…
GPCALMA: An Italian mammographic database of digitized images for research
In this work the implementation of a database of digitized mammograms is described. The digitized images were collected since 1999 by a community of physicists in collaboration with radiologists in several Italian hospitals, as a first step in order to develop and implement a Computer Aided Detection (CAD) system. 3369 mammograms were collected from 967 patients; they were classified according to the type and the morphology of the lesions, the type of the breast tissue and the type of pathologies. A dedicated Graphical User Interface was developed for mammography visualization and processing, in order to support the medical diagnosis directly on a high-resolution screen. The database has be…
MAGIC-5: an Italian mammographic database of digitised images for research
The implementation of a database of digitised mammograms is discussed. The digitised images were collected beginning in 1999 by a community of physicists in collaboration with radiologists in several Italian hospitals as a first step in developing and implementing a computer-aided detection (CAD) system. All 3,369 mammograms were collected from 967 patients and classified according to lesion type and morphology, breast tissue and pathology type. A dedicated graphical user interface was developed to visualise and process mammograms to support the medical diagnosis directly on a high-resolution screen. The database has been the starting point for developing other medical imaging applications,…
X-ray spectroscopy and dosimetry with a portable CdTe device.
Abstract X-ray spectra and dosimetry information are very important for quality assurance (QA) and quality control (QC) in medical diagnostic X-ray systems. An accurate knowledge of the diagnostic X-ray spectra would improve the patient dose optimization, without compromising image information. In this work, we performed direct diagnostic X-ray spectra measurements with a portable device, based on a CdTe solid-state detector. The portable device is able to directly measure X-ray spectra at high photon fluence rates, as typical of clinical radiography. We investigated on the spectral performances of the system in the mammographic energy range (up to ∼40 keV). Good system response to monoener…
The CALMA system: an artificial neural network method for detecting masses and microcalcifications in digitized mammograms
The CALMA (Computer Assisted Library for MAmmography) project is a five years plan developed in a physics research frame in collaboration between INFN (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare) and many Italian hospitals. At present a large database of digitized mammographic images (more than 6000) was collected and a software based on neural network algorithms for the search of suspicious breast lesions was developed. Two tools are available: a microcalcification clusters hunter, based on supervised and unsupervised feedforward neural network, and a massive lesions searcher, based on a hibrid approach. Both the algorithms analyzed preprocessed digitized images by high frequency filters. Clini…
Comparison of two portable solid state detectors with an improved collimation and alignment device for mammographic x-ray spectroscopy
We describe a portable system for mammographic x-ray spectroscopy, based on a 2 X 2 X 1 mm3 cadmium telluride (CdTe) solid state detector, that is greatly improved over a similar system based on a 3 X 3 X 2 mm3 cadmium zinc telluride (CZT) solid state detector evaluated in an earlier work. The CdTe system utilized new pinhole collimators and an alignment device that facilitated measurement of mammographic x-ray spectra. Mammographic x-ray spectra acquired by each system were comparable. Half value layer measurements obtained using an ion chamber agreed closely with those derived from the x-ray spectra measured by either detector. The faster electronics and other features of the CdTe detecto…
Computer-aided diagnosis in digital mammography: comparison of two commercial systems
Aim: Within this work, a comparative analysis of two commercial computer-aided detection or diagnosis (CAD) systems, CyclopusCAD® mammo (v. 6.0) produced by CyclopusCAD Ltd (Palermo, Italy) and SecondLook® (v. 6.1C) produced by iCAD Inc. (OH, USA) is performed by evaluating the results of both systems application on an unique set of mammographic digital images routinely acquired in a hospital structure. Materials & methods: The two CAD systems have been separately applied on a sample set of 126 mammographic digital cases, having been independently diagnosed by two senior radiologists. According to the human diagnosis, the cases in the sample reference set are divided into 61 negatives and 6…
Fuzzy technique for microcalcifications clustering in digital mammograms
Abstract Background Mammography has established itself as the most efficient technique for the identification of the pathological breast lesions. Among the various types of lesions, microcalcifications are the most difficult to identify since they are quite small (0.1-1.0 mm) and often poorly contrasted against an images background. Within this context, the Computer Aided Detection (CAD) systems could turn out to be very useful in breast cancer control. Methods In this paper we present a potentially powerful microcalcifications cluster enhancement method applicable to digital mammograms. The segmentation phase employs a form filter, obtained from LoG filter, to overcome the dependence from …
Automatic detection of lung nodules in CT datasets based on stable 3D mass–spring models
We propose a computer-aided detection (CAD) system which can detect small-sized (from 3 mm) pulmonary nodules in spiral CT scans. A pulmonary nodule is a small lesion in the lungs, round-shaped (parenchymal nodule) or worm-shaped (juxtapleural nodule). Both kinds of lesions have a radio-density greater than lung parenchyma, thus appearing white on the images. Lung nodules might indicate a lung cancer and their early stage detection arguably improves the patient survival rate. CT is considered to be the most accurate imaging modality for nodule detection. However, the large amount of data per examination makes the full analysis difficult, leading to omission of nodules by the radiologist. We…