Gioacchino Francesco Argento


Negli ambienti caratterizzati da forti pendenze o sistemati a terrazze, nell’ambito delle lavorazioni superficiali, viene impiegato diffusamente il motocoltivatore provvisto di zappatrice rotativa. Tuttavia, l’effetto dell’uso ripetuto della zappatrice per lavorazione del terreno ha una notevole influenza sulle caratteristiche del terreno, che si presenta finemente polverizzato, soffice e astrutturato. Al fine di limitare tali inconvenienti, è stata progettata dalla sezione Meccanica del Dipartimento Scienze Agrarie e Forestali dell’Università di Palermo, in collaborazione con la ditta costruttrice Agrotec di Padova, una macchina innovativa semovente provvista di organi di lavoro del tipo a…

research product

Effect of different soil management in sloping vineyards on soil penetration resistance.

In environments characterized by steep slopes or arranged in terraces, among the shallow tillage systems, rototilling is extensively used. However, the effect of the repeated use of rototilling has a considerable influence on soil characteristics; it appears finely powdered, soft and without structure. In order to limit these inconveniences, an innovative self-propelled machine equipped with working tools as a spade, to be used in steep slopes or arranged in terraces areas, was designed by the Mechanics Section of the SAF (Scienze Agrarie e Forestali) Department of the University of Palermo in cooperation with Agrotec company, Padua, Italy. The aim of this study is to compare the effects of…

research product

Revegetation through hydroseeding in degraded Mediterranean areas

Hydroseeding is a technique increasingly used to establish vegetation on degraded areas in order to perform environmental protection. The objective of this paper was to evaluate the effectiveness of four different hydroseeding methods on a degraded artificial slope in the southern Mediterranean area determining total vegetation cover, hydroseeding vegetation cover, hydroseeding success index (HSI), natural and hydroseeded vegetation height. The test area does not allow the use of any operating machine for soil and vegetation management, the only applicable technique is therefore hydroseeding. After hydroseeding was applied (December 2010), 21 checks were carried out every 15 days (from Janu…

research product

Soil management effect on soil penetration resistance in the vineyard

In environments characterized by steep slopes or arranged in terraces, among the shallow tillage systems, rototilling is extensively used. However, the effect of the repeated use of rototilling has a considerable influence on soil characteristics; it appears finely powdered, soft and without structure. In order to limit these inconveniences, an innovative self-propelled machine equipped with working tools as a spade, to be used in steep slopes or arranged in terraces areas, was designed by the Mechanics Section of the SAF (Scienze Agrarie e Forestali) Department of the University of Palermo in cooperation with Agrotec company, Padua, Italy. The aim of this study is to compare the effects of…

research product

Soil physical-mechanical properties evaluation in different tillage systems

In environments characterized by steep slopes or arranged in terraces, among the shallow tillage systems, rototilling is extensively used. However, the effect of the repeated use of ro-totilling has a considerable influence on soil characteristics; it appears finely powdered, soft and without structure. In order to limit these inconveniences, an innovative self-propelled machine equipped with working tools as a spade, to be used in steep slopes or arranged in terraces areas, was designed by the Mechanics Section of the Department of Agricultural and Forest Sciences, University of Palermo, in cooperation with Agrotec company, Padua, Italy. The aim of this study is to compare the effects of t…

research product