Pascale Bazoche
Evaluating consumers' sustainable choice of wine: A store experiment
Poster (1 page) ; http://www.pangborn2013.com/; International audience; In order to develop successful environmentally sustainable policies that help consumers to change their consumption patterns, it is necessary to better understand consumers' choice criteria and the potential impact of an information campaign. As hypothetical methods are often criticized and as Smith (1980) and Lewitt and List (2007) have shown that laboratory behavior is a good indicator of actual behavior, an experiment was conducted in an experimental store. This option makes possible to control the range of proposed wines and their prices and thus to study the impact of production process, price on purchase and to ev…
Evaluating consumers' willingness to buy environmentally friendly wines: A store experiment
poster + communication courte confidentiels; The French program Ecophyto 2018 aims at achieving a 50% reduction in pesticide use by 2018. The vine-growing sector being the second largest user of pesticides in France, there is a strong need for French vine-growers to engage in more environmentally sustainable practices. However, they will do so if they are sure that consumers are ready to buy environmentally friendly wines. Thus, the two main objectives of this study were to identify consumers' willingness to buy environmentally friendly wines and to estimate the impact of an information campaign. 220 wine consumers participated in the study. Each consumer came twice, at a 3-week interval, i…
The project INSECT4CITY: assessment of benefits and risks of insect-based bioconversion for recycling bio-waste from urban and peri-urban areas
Evaluating consumers' sustainable choice of wine: An on-line shop experiment
Evaluating consumers' sustainable choice of wine: An on-line shop experiment. 143. EAAE / AAEA joint seminar. Consumer behavior in a changing world: food, culture, society