M. R. Gualano
Mental health of medical students belonging to sexual minorities: A focus on help-seeking behavior in an Italian multicenter survey
The aim was to examine social, university, health-related differences among heterosexual and Sexual Minority Medical students (SM-Meds), and explore predictors of help-seeking behavior (i.e., current psychological support and hypothetical university counseling use). A multicenter cross-sectional study was conducted in Italy (2018). Questionnaires included socio-demographic items and Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II). Chi-squared tests and multivariable regressions adjusted for BDI-II score were performed (sample size = 2513). SM-Meds were 13.9%. SM-Meds with depressive symptoms were 40.5%. Both considering overall and non-depressed students, SM-Meds exercised less and had worst relation…
Pregnancy e-health: a multicenter Italian cross-sectional study on internet use and decision-making among pregnant women
Background Our study aimed to estimate the prevalence of pregnancy e-health seekers in a large Italian sample; to explore the factors influencing the choices of the childbearing women regarding their lifestyles after internet consultation; and finally to investigate potential differences between primiparous and multiparous women in internet use to find information about pregnancy. Methods A multicentre survey was carried out in seven Italian cities. Data were collected through a validated questionnaire administered in waiting rooms of outpatient departments by medical doctors. Respondents were questioned about their sociodemographic status, their use of the internet to seek pregnancy inform…
How should vaccination services be planned, organized, and managed? Results from a survey on the Italian vaccination services
Background. Quality improvement is an increasingly recognized approach to maximize service effectiveness and minimize costs in public health. However, the Italian law never provided for the institutional accreditation of vaccination services. Furthermore, a recently approved law added six more compulsory vaccinations to the original four, which has led to a considerable increase in vaccination efforts, without any previous resources evaluation. The aim of the study was to investigate structural, organizational and managerial characteristics of the Italian vaccination services, in order to suggest the adoption of adequate quality standards. Study design. A survey involving the representative…