Elena Santagostino
A prospective randomized trial of high and standard dosages of recombinant factor VIIa for treatment of hemarthroses in hemophiliacs with inhibitors.
Summary. Aim: A multicenter randomized open-label crossover prospective trial was designed to compare the efficacy, safety, and cost of standard and high dosages of recombinant factor VIIa (rFVIIa) for home treatment of hemarthroses in hemophiliacs with inhibitors. Methods: Patients were instructed to treat, within 6 h from the onset of bleeding, four consecutive hemarthroses of ankles, knees, or elbows, either with the rFVIIa standard dose of 90 μg kg−1 (repeated as necessary every 3 h) or with a single high dose of 270 μg kg−1. Patients who did not achieve a clinical success within 9 h continued rFVIIa treatment with repeated standard doses. Response to treatment was assessed for up to 48…
A novel two base pair deletion in the factor V gene associated with severe factor V deficiency
We studied a family in which the proband, a 13-year-old boy, had unmeasurable plasma levels of coagulation factor V antigen and activity. Clinical symptoms were severe, with several episodes of haemorrhages in the mucosal tracts (gastrointestinal, nose and urinary) and recurrent haemarthroses that caused permanent arthropathy. Sequence analysis of the factor V gene demonstrated the presence of a novel 2 base pair (bp) homozygous deletion in exon 13 at positions 2833-2834. This mutation, present in the heterozygous state in the asymptomatic mother and absent in the healthy brother, introduced a frameshift and a premature stop at codon 900. This would predict the synthesis of a truncated fact…
Acquired inhibitors of clotting factors: AICE recommendations for diagnosis and management
New data from the Italian National Register of Congenital Coagulopathies, 2016 Annual Survey
BACKGROUND: In Italy, the National Register of Congenital Coagulopathies (NRCC) collects epidemiological and therapeutic data from patients affected by haemophilia A (HA), haemophilia B (HB), von Willebrand’s disease (vWD) and other rare coagulation disorders. Here we present data from the 2016 annual survey. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Data are provided by the Italian Haemophilia Centres, on a voluntary basis. Information flows from every Centre to a web-based platform of the Italian Association of Haemophilia Centres, shared with the Italian National Institute of Health, in accordance with current privacy laws. Patients are classified by diagnosis, disease severity, age, gender and treatment-r…
Diagnosis and treatment of chronic synovitis in patients with haemophilia: consensus statements from the Italian Association of Haemophilia Centres
Although synovitis is recognized as a marker of joint disease activity, its periodic assessment is not included in routine clinical surveillance of patients with haemophilia (PwH). In order to evaluate the current knowledge and to identify controversial issues, a preliminary literature search by the Musculoskeletal Committee of the Italian Association of Haemophilia Centres (AICE) has been conducted. Statements have been established and sent to the Italian AICE members to collect their level of agreement or disagreement by a Delphi process. Thirty-seven consensus recommendations have been drafted. We found a general agreement on the indication to consider the presence of synovitis as a mark…
Joint protection in haemophilia
Haemarthroses (intra-articular haemorrhages) are a frequent finding typically observed in patients with haemophilia. Diagnosis and treatment of these bleeding episodes must be delivered as early as possible. Additionally, treatment should ideally be administered intensively (enhanced on-demand treatment) until the resolution of symptoms. Joint aspiration plays an important role in acute and profuse haemarthroses as the presence of blood in the joint leads to chondrocyte apoptosis and chronic synovitis, which will eventually result in joint degeneration (haemophilic arthropathy). Ultrasonography (US) is an appropriate diagnostic technique to assess the evolution of acute haemarthrosis in hae…
Immune tolerance induction with moroctocog-alpha (Refacto/Refacto AF) in a population of Italian haemophilia A patients with high-titre inhibitors: Data from REF.IT Registry.
Background: The appearance of inhibitors is the most serious complication in haemophilia A (HA) patients. The primary objective is their eradication. Up to date, immune tolerance induction (ITI) was the only therapeutic option to achieve this. Aim: To assess the efficacy of moroctocog-alpha as an ITI regimen in a population of HA patients with high-titre inhibitors. Methods: The REF.IT Registry is a retrospective-prospective study that collected data on all patients with HA and high-titre inhibitors treated with moroctocog-alpha as an ITI regimen at twelve Italian Haemophilia Centres. Results: We enrolled 27 patients, 85.2% were children. All patients were high responders, 88.9% had severe …
Prevention of haemophilic arthropathy during childhood. May common orthopaedic management be extrapolated from patients without inhibitors to patients with inhibitors?
We recommend prophylaxis in haemophilic children with an inhibitor as a way of preventing the musculoskeletal impairment that is likely to affect them. This approach has been used for children without inhibitors with excellent results. If prophylaxis is not feasible, we suggest that intensive on-demand treatment should be given. Two agents, recombinant activated FVII (rFVIIa) and activated prothrombin complex concentrates (aPCC), are currently used to control haemostasis either for prophylaxis or intensive on-demand treatment. As it is recombinant, rFVIIa would seem more appropriate to be employed in children. aPCC could be used in adults, or in the event of an unsatisfactory response to rF…