Cristina Aybar

COVID-19, Gender Housework Division and Municipality Size in Spain

The COVID-19 health crisis brought with it an increase in the workload on family members due to the restriction of services and the suspension of formal and informal care networks. Numerous studies have analyzed how home confinement have affected different gender gaps, including the gender gap related to chores within the home. This research aims to contribute to the existing literature from the perspective of gender geography by introducing the variable municipality size in the analyses. Our research in the case of Spain shows the COVID-19 health crisis to have had a significant impact on gender gaps, albeit to varying degrees. Women, especially those living in small municipalities, experi…

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Voting Transitions in the 2019 Valencian Autonomous Community’s Elections

The political fragmentation following the 2008 Financial Crisis and its economic, social, political and institutional fall-out have led to a growing left-right polarisation of politics and a weakening of the middle ground. The effective number of parliamentary parties is at an all-time high both inthe Spanish Parliament (Congreso) and in the Valencian Autonomous Parliament (Corts). Voters are spoilt for choice and switch party more often. This paper uses transfer matrices to analyse the shifting voting patterns in the European, General, Regional, and Local elections held during 2019 in The Valencian Country. The most salient result is the ever-shifting pattern at each end of the political s…

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The formation of aggregate expectations: wisdom of the crowds or media influence?

ABSTRACTThe general elections of 2015 in Spain were elections of change. Two new parties for which voters had no previous historical reference points burst onto the parliamentary scene. Two (partially) opposed theories vie to offer an explanation as to how voters build their aggregate electoral expectations. In this paper, we investigate which mechanism has the greatest influence on the formation of expectations: published opinion or social interactions. Likewise, we also study if there is an ideological bias in the voters’ perception of the future results of the electoral battle. Based on analysis of microdata from a survey (sample size = 14,262) conducted in Spain on the occasion of the g…

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Gender Inequalities and Social Sustainability. Can Modernization Diminish the Gender Gap in Political Knowledge?

The gender gap in political knowledge is a classical problem of Western democracies. In the 21st century, political knowledge is still unequally distributed between men and women, as many cross-section studies have shown. This is an indicator of women’s disempowerment and the distance which remains to be covered to achieve an inclusive and sustainable society. Could public policies and gender equality laws change the situation? Using a longitudinal database in which 600,000 survey responses are analysed from 1996 to 2017, this case study of Spain aims to shed some light on this question. It combines sociological and political approaches in line with the development theory of the gender gap …

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La mobilitat electoral en les eleccions de 2019 a la Comunitat Valenciana

La fragmentacio politica derivada de la crisi economica, social, politica i institucional que va viure Espanya durant la Gran Recessio ha generat un panorama electoral en que l'oferta partidista, tant a a dretes com a esquerres, ha crescut de manera significativa. El numero efectiu de partits parlamentaris es el mes gran de la historia, tant al Congres dels Diputats com a les Corts Valencianes. Els electors disposen de mes alternatives de vot i canvien la seua opcio electoral amb mes frequencia. En aquest escenari, aquest treball estima i analitza, a traves de les matrius de transferencia de vot, els moviments electorals que es van produir en les eleccions europees, generals, autonomiques i…

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Supplemental Material - COVID-19 and the Housework Gender Division: Traditional or New Gender Patterns?

Supplemental Material for COVID-19 and the Housework Gender Division: Traditional or New Gender Patterns? by Beatriz Larraz, Rosa Roig, Cristina Aybar, and Jose M. Pavía in Journal of Family Issues

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COVID-19 and the Housework Gender Division: Traditional or New Gender Patterns?

Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the gender dimension of its more visible socio-economic impacts has been the topic of study by several researchers. The current paper takes this further by focusing on the invisible chores done in the families at home. This paper studies how people’s behavior towards housework changed during and after the confinement period in Spain. We analyze whether people did more housework during the lockdown period than before it, the way this housework was distributed between women and men, and whether this has changed since the end of lockdown. The empirical analyses point to a new trend in the housework gender gap: differences between men and women have…

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Field rules and bias in random surveys with quota samples : an assessment of CIS surveys

Surveys applying quota sampling in their final step are widely used in opinion and market research all over the world. This is also the case in Spain, where the surveys carried out by CIS (a public institution for sociological research supported by the government) have become a point of reference. The rules used by CIS to select individuals within quotas, however, could be improved as they lead to biases in age distributions. Analysing more than 545,000 responses collected in the 220 monthly barometers conducted between 1997 and 2016 by CIS, we compare the empirical distributions of the barometers with the expected distributions from the sample design and/or target populations. Among other …

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Dataset of the COVID-19 lockdown survey conducted by GIPEyOP in Spain

This article introduces a dataset that captures relevant in- formation about the living conditions, feelings, and habits of residents in Spain during ninety nine days of home confinement. This and other measures, imposed by the Government of Spain to mitigate the impact of the pandemic on the population, have brought with them important economic, labor, and social changes, which have been accompanied by various modifications (some only temporary) in Spaniards habits and behaviours. Data collection was carried out through the implementation of a questionnaire with 33 questions, which was sent by email to the collaborators of GIPEyOP (Elections and Public Opinion Research Group from the Unive…

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Spanish electoral archive. SEA database

This paper introduces the SEA database (acronym for Spanish Electoral Archive). SEA brings together the most complete public repository available to date on Spanish election outcomes. SEA holds all the results recorded from the electoral processes of General (1979–2019), Regional (1989–2021), Local (1979–2019) and European Parliamentary (1987–2019) elections held in Spain since the restoration of democracy in the late 70 s, in addition to other data sets with electoral content. The data are offered for free and is presented in a homogeneous and friendly format. Most of the databases are available for download with data from various electoral levels, including from the ballot box level. This…

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COVID-19 and Changes in Social Habits. Restaurant Terraces, a Booming Space in Cities. The Case of Madrid

The COVID-19 pandemic and the fear experienced by some of the population, along with the lack of mobility due to the restrictions imposed, has modified the social behaviour of Spaniards. This has had a significant effect on the hospitality sector, viewed as being an economic and social driver in Spain. From the analysis of data collected in two of our own non-probabilistic surveys (N ~ 8400 and N ~ 2000), we show how, during the first six months of the pandemic, Spaniards notably reduced their consumption in bars and restaurants, also preferring outdoor spaces to spaces inside. The restaurant sector has needed to adapt to this situation and, with the support of the authorities (regional and…

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