Yaël Grosjean

CG1607 and CG9413, two not-yet-described SLC7 amino acid antiporters. Role in developmental progression and growth control

CG1607 and CG9413, two not-yet-described SLC7 amino acid antiporters. Role in developmental progression and growth control. 30. drosophila french fly meeting

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Multiple HAT transporters regulate dopaminergic transmission and sleep in Drosophila

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Glie et neurones : vers un partenariat actif influençant le comportement sensoriel chez la drosophile

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Small fatty acids perception: effect during fly life

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Ecologie chimique : le langage de la nature

Ouvrage collectif rédigé par des chercheurs issus de laboratoires CNRS ou associés, publié par le cherche midi, en partenariat avec le CNRS. Ce livre grand public dévoile les secrets d'une science encore récente : l'écologie chimique ou l'art de décrypter le langage chimique qui nous environne.; Les odeurs font partie de notre vie quotidienne... La majorité des espèces, y compris les hommes, échangent entre elles à l'aide de molécules et de signaux chimiques. Reproduction, alimentation, défense... Dans toutes ces fonctions, la communication chimique est de très loin le mode de communication le plus utilisé dans le monde vivant ! Ce livre fascinant permet de découvrir les secrets de cette sc…

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Role of the putative Antiporter Minidiscs in food perception


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Amino acid exchanger in the brain of drosophila: phylogenesis, expression and function

Résumé de poster présenté au 11th European Meeting on Glial Cell Function in Health and Disease (Jul 03-06, 2013) à Berlin (Allemagne); International audience; Hetero(di)meric amino acid transporters (HATs) are one of the most important exchange mechanisms for amino acids. However, only little is known about their concrete function on brain activity. This study focuses on the expression, function and phylogenesis of HATs in fruit flies. HATs are formed by a catalytic “light chain” (SLC7A5–11) and a cofactor called “heavy chain”. The genome of Drososphila melanogaster encodes five proteins homologue to mammalian light chains (genderblind, minidiscs, JhI-21, CG9413 and CG1607). All these ligh…

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Carboxylic acid perception is mediated by at least two complementary sensory modalities in Drosophila melanogaster larvae

Carboxylic acid perception is mediated by at least two complementary sensory modalities in Drosophila melanogaster larvae. Neurobiology of Drosophila

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Drosophila and humans share similar mechanisms of insulin secretion

Drosophila and humans share similar mechanisms of insulin secretion

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Drosophile : la groupie du chercheur !

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Direct Sensing of Nutrients via a LAT1-like Transporter in Drosophila Insulin-Producing Cells

Summary Dietary leucine has been suspected to play an important role in insulin release, a hormone that controls satiety and metabolism. The mechanism by which insulin-producing cells (IPCs) sense leucine and regulate insulin secretion is still poorly understood. In Drosophila, insulin-like peptides (DILP2 and DILP5) are produced by brain IPCs and are released in the hemolymph after leucine ingestion. Using Ca2+-imaging and ex vivo cultured larval brains, we demonstrate that IPCs can directly sense extracellular leucine levels via minidiscs (MND), a leucine transporter. MND knockdown in IPCs abolished leucine-dependent changes, including loss of DILP2 and DILP5 in IPC bodies, consistent wit…

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Amino acid transporter heavy chain CD98hc: Expression and role in Drosophila olfactory perception

Amino acid transporter heavy chain CD98hc: Expression and role in Drosophila olfactory perception. 16. rencontre du Club de neurobiologie des invertébrés

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Get more details on amino acid transporters changing Drosophila's mind...

Get more details on amino acid transporters changing Drosophila's mind.... 17. rencontre du Club de neurobiologie des invertébrés

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Cholinergic Control of Synchronized Seminal Emissions in Drosophila

0960-9822 (Print) Comparative Study Journal Article Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't; In many animal species, copulation involves the coordinated release of both sperm and seminal fluid, including substances that change female fertility and postmating behavior. In Drosophila melanogaster, these substances increase female fertility and prevent mating with a second male. By using a PGal4 strain, we targeted together with other cells a dozen cholinergic neurons found only in the male abdominal ganglion (Abg-MAch). Genetic feminization apparently deleted these neurons in males and significantly increased their copulation duration, blocked their fertility in 60% of cases, and only weakly repress…

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JhI-21 is impacting glutamate receptor physiology at the larval neuromuscular junction in Drosophila


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Organisateurs de la 18e rencontre du Club de neurobiologie des invertébrés

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Odeur de fruit, un signal pour coupler source de nourriture et reproduction chez la drosophile.

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The Amino Acid Transporter JhI-21 Coevolves with Glutamate Receptors, Impacts NMJ Physiology, and Influences Locomotor Activity in Drosophila Larvae

AbstractChanges in synaptic physiology underlie neuronal network plasticity and behavioral phenomena, which are adjusted during development. The Drosophila larval glutamatergic neuromuscular junction (NMJ) represents a powerful synaptic model to investigate factors impacting these processes. Amino acids such as glutamate have been shown to regulate Drosophila NMJ physiology by modulating the clustering of postsynaptic glutamate receptors and thereby regulating the strength of signal transmission from the motor neuron to the muscle cell. To identify amino acid transporters impacting glutmatergic signal transmission, we used Evolutionary Rate Covariation (ERC), a recently developed bioinforma…

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Chemoreceptors and lead to opposite behaviors along drosophila life cycle

Chemoreceptors and lead to opposite behaviors along drosophila life cycle. 16. european neurobiology of drosophila conference

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La médaille de bronze du CNRS pour Yaël Grosjean

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Analysis of CG1607 and CG9413, two not yet described member of the SLC7 family of amino acid antiporters in Drosophila melanogaster

Analysis of CG1607 and CG9413, two not yet described member of the SLC7 family of amino acid antiporters in Drosophila melanogaster. 16. european neurobiology of drosophila conference

research product

A glial amino-acid transporter controls synapse strength and courtship in Drosophila

1097-6256 (Print) Journal Article Research Support, N.I.H., Extramural Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't; Mate choice is an evolutionarily critical decision that requires the detection of multiple sex-specific signals followed by central integration of these signals to direct appropriate behavior. The mechanisms controlling mate choice remain poorly understood. Here, we show that the glial amino-acid transporter genderblind controls whether Drosophila melanogaster males will attempt to mate with other males. Genderblind (gb) mutant males showed no alteration in heterosexual courtship or copulation, but were attracted to normally unappealing male species-specific chemosensory cues. As a resul…

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PGal4 excision reveals the pleiotropic effects of Voila, a Drosophila locus that affects development and courtship behaviour

0016-6723 (Print) Journal Article Research Support, Non-U.S. Gov't; In Drosophila melanogaster, the PGal4 transposon inserted at the chromosomal site 86E1-2 is associated with the Voila1 allele that causes multiple phenotypes. Homozygous Voila1/1 flies rarely reach adulthood and heterozygous Voila1/+ adult males display strong homosexual courtship behaviour. Both normal behavioural and developmental phenotypes were rescued by remobilizing the PGal4 element. Yet, the rescue of heterosexual courtship and of adult viability did not occur in the same strains, indicating that these defects have different genetic origins. Furthermore, many strains showed a partial rescue of both characters. Molec…

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Fruity means sexy for drosophila.

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Analysis of two not yet described member of the SLC7 family of amino acid antiporters in Drosophila melanogaster

Analysis of two not yet described member of the SLC7 family of amino acid antiporters in Drosophila melanogaster. 16. rencontre du Club de neurobiologie des invertébrés

research product

An olfactory receptor for food-derived odours promotes male courtship in Drosophila.

International audience; Many animals attract mating partners through the release of volatile sex pheromones, which can convey information on the species, gender and receptivity of the sender to induce innate courtship and mating behaviours by the receiver. Male Drosophila melanogaster fruitflies display stereotyped reproductive behaviours towards females, and these behaviours are controlled by the neural circuitry expressing male-specific isoforms of the transcription factor Fruitless (FRU(M)). However, the volatile pheromone ligands, receptors and olfactory sensory neurons (OSNs) that promote male courtship have not been identified in this important model organism. Here we describe a novel…

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Dropping lile flies

Dropping lile flies. 17. rencontre du Club de neurobiologie des invertébrés

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Role of minidiscs, a putative xCT antiporter, in food perception

Meeting Abstract; International audience

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JhI-21 modulates strength of signal transmission at the NMJ, and induces age-dependent behavioral changes

Communication orale

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Direct sensing of leucine by insulin-producing neurons

Direct sensing of leucine by insulin-producing neurons. MoucheRhône

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Impact of heterodimeric amino acid transporters on metabolism: Input of a genetic model

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An olfactory circuit for fruit-derived odours promotes courtship in male Drosophila

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Perception périphérique des signaux sensoriels. 1- Olfaction

National audience

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Anti-aphrodisiac alarm signal is mediated through a third olfactory organ in flies


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Comment le dialogue moléculaire entre bactéries et neurones change le comportement de l’hôte infecté

National audience; Les eucaryotes vivent dans un environnement contaminé par des microorganismes. Il n'est donc pas surprenant qu'ils aient forgé, au fil du temps, des relations extrêmement complexes et intimes entre eux. Les eucaryotes sont capables de percevoir la présence de bactéries et d’adapter leur réponse immunitaire, leur état physiologique ou même leur comportement en conséquence. Nombreuses sont les études qui ont démontré que les bactéries peuvent interagir avec le système nerveux eucaryote, soit au bénéfice du microbe qui modifie le comportement de l'hôte, soit au bénéfice de l'hôte qui adapte son comportement à l'infection. Dans la plupart des cas, cependa…

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