R. De Castro Moraleja
Fracturas diafisarias de antebrazo : estudio clínico
The results obtained in 268 cases presenting with diafisar}· fracture of the forearm, double or isolated in radius or ulna, at the same or different leve!, including fractures of Monteggia and Galeazzi, are here presented. In this series 169 out of the 268 cases wcrc children 89%. of them treated orthopedically and 11 % quirurgically, 7'Yo with intramedullary nailing, 0'8% with screwd plates and 3'2% using thc both latter techniques. In thc 99 adults presenting these fractures, orthopedical treatment was only adopted in 33'3% of the cases and 66'7% were treated quirurgically, using screwed plates in 53, intramedullary nailing in 7 and combined techniques in 9. Global results in children wer…
Fractura de stress en peroné con apariencia tumoral
A case of fracture from stress in the right fibula of a fifteen-year old birl is reported. The X-Ray film is deceiving about the appearance of a bone tumor. Diagnosis by the scanner sol ves all doubts.
Modificaciones fisarias en el conejo inducidas por campos electromagnéticos
Se efectúa un estudio experimental para valorar los efectos de campos electromagnéticos de dos intensidades diferentes (2,4 y 10 Gauss) sobre la fisis de huesos largos. Se emplearon 45 conejos de 4 semanas divididos en tres grupos de 15 animales, a los que se colocó unas bobinas de Helmholtz en la rodilla derecha durante ocho horas diarias. Cinco animales de cada grupo fueron estimulados (subgrupo testigo). El primer grupo se sacrificó tras cuatro semanas, el segundo tras 12 semanas y el tercero llevó las bovinas durante 12 semanas y luego se sacrificó 12 semanas después para comprobar la duración de los efectos de la corriente. Los resultados demuestran que la diferencia en longitud entre …
Quiste óseo esencial : infiltración local con corticoides
Five cases of solitary bone cysts treated by local intracavity inyection of methilprednisolone acetate are reported. AHcases presented a pathological fracture on the c1inical examination. Three cases reached a complete clinical and radiological suecess. One case got a fair result and the last one had a poor result, with relapse and new fracture, three years after the initial treatment.