F. Pedone


In last years the issue of teacher education is high on the policy agenda across Europe and globally and the role of teachers and therefore of teacher education in moving towards a more inclusive education system is being recognized. The changing role of teachers is increasingly acknowledged, emphasizing the need for significant changes in the way teachers are prepared for their professional roles and responsibilities. This paper, based on educational challenges required today by society particularly related to demand of community, inclusion, respect for diversity, proposes to promote a culture of self-assessment that improve teaching, by training actions needed to help pupils with special …

research product


In this paper we introduce the results of a research that involved 60 primary school pupils. Attention is drawn to a relevant issue in instructional research: the potential value to learners of metacognitive awareness. Some implications of these issues for learning styles research are then discussed. The purpose of this study was to investigate how students perceive learning and their learning styles preferences. Through a reflection on relations between the personalization of education and knowledge of learning styles, we will emphasize how the very important issue, for a teacher, is to create his own working knowledge on his students' learning styles, if he really wants effectively stimul…

research product


The theme of practicing sport for people with disabilities goes far beyond the simplification of a healthy lifestyle, but refers to complex aspects of a pedagogical, educational, social, and cultural nature that combine to outline the education and training system of future professionals in this field. This is demonstrated by the growing interest that the question has aroused in recent decades, with the issuing of supranational regulatory provisions that recall the right of all minors, without distinction, to an education capable of harmoniously involving every dimension that constitutes human being, including the education of the body; and this is highlighted by the numerous reviews of int…

research product

L'apprendimento attraverso le mappe concettuali

Lo scopo della scuola non si riduce ad “allenare” e a misurare le abilità intellettuali degli alunni, perché essa ha la responsabilità di promuovere negli alunni l’autonomia intellettuale, che implica anche la capacità di autoregolare il proprio apprendimento. La carta vincente per assicurare il successo formativo degli alunni risiede nella capacità dei docenti di predisporre itinerari formativi che siano in grado di valorizzare la varietà delle caratteristiche personali degli alunni, i loro diversi modi di apprendere e potenziarne la riflessione metacognitiva. La didattica metacognitiva stimola l’alunno a pensare per suo conto e a sviluppare il suo senso critico; sviluppa la motivazione ad…

research product

Teorie implicite sull’intelligenza e motivazione intrinseca

In questo articolo si mette a fuoco come per stimolare l’apprendimento e sviluppare l’autonomia degli alunni sia fondamentale, fin dalla scuola primaria, riconoscere l’importanza delle teorie implicite sull’intelligenza e il ruolo essenziale che ricoprono nello sviluppo della motivazione intrinseca. Un fattore che influenza la motivazione e, di conseguenza, il successo scolastico è il tipo di concezione dell’intelligenza posseduto dagli alunni che sviluppano approcci differenti all’apprendimento in relazione ad essa. Il possesso da parte di un alunno di teorie implicite entitarie o incrementali è cruciale nell’adeguata o nella mancata elaborazione di successi e fallimenti, nonché predittivo…

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