Reconstruction of Atlantic herring ( Clupea harengus ) recruitment in the North Sea for the past 455 years based on the δ 13 C from annual shell increments of the ocean quahog ( Arctica islandica )
Understanding the recruitment variability of the Atlantic herring North Sea stock remains a key objective of stock assessment and management. Although many efforts have been undertaken linking climatic and stock dynamic factors to herring recruitment, no major attempt has been made to estimate recruitment levels before the 20th century. Here, we present a novel annually resolved, absolutely dated herring recruitment reconstruction, derived from stable carbon isotope geochemistry (δ¹³C), from ocean quahog shells from the Fladen Ground (northern North Sea). Our age model is based on a growth increment chronology obtained from fourteen shells. Ten of these were micromilled at annual resolution…
8.2 ka event North Sea hydrography determined by bivalve shell stable isotope geochemistry.
AbstractThe abrupt 8.2 ka cold event has been widely described from Greenland and North Atlantic records. However, its expression in shelf seas is poorly documented, and the temporal resolution of most marine records is inadequate to precisely determine the chronology of major events. A robust hydrographical reconstruction can provide an insight on climatic reaction times to perturbations to the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. Here we present an annually-resolved temperature and water column stratification reconstruction based on stable isotope geochemistry of Arctica islandica shells from the Fladen Ground (northern North Sea) temporally coherent with Greenland ice core record…
Fladen Ground Artica islandica increment widths, stable carbon geochemistry and herring recruitment reconstruction
Tab named "Incrmnt. measurements, chron." contains annual growth increment measurements in micrometers of fourteen Arctica islandica shells collected from the Fladen Ground in the North Sea at coordinates 58.994° N, 0.291° E.Specimens 0401246, 0401254, 0401258, 0401260, 0401262 were originally described in Butler et al. (2009).Additionally, "Incrmnt. measurements, chron." contains the detrended and normalised increment measurements and a growth increment chronology. These were calculated with the standard dendrochronology software ARTSAN using a negative exponential function. The growth increment chronology also includes the average shell-pair correlation in a 30-year sliding window (r̄) an…