Jesus Rodriguez-camacho

Graphical Schemes Designed to Display and Study the Long-term Variations of Schumann Resonance

This work proposes and illustrates a graphical approach aimed at studying a wide range of features of the ELF horizontal magnetic field signal recorded at the Sierra Nevada station (Spain). In addition to the traditional long-term variations in the parameters of the first three Schumann resonances (their amplitudes, central frequencies and widths), many other properties such as the saturations of the magnetometers, anomalous values for the parameters or spectra with any kind of particularities are taken into consideration in this work. These features can provide us with complementary information about the long-term variation of Schumann resonances, give an estimation of the extent up to whi…

research product

A New Approach to the Modeling of Anisotropic Media with the Transmission Line Matrix Method

A reformulation of the Transmission Line Matrix (TLM) method is presented to model non-dispersive anisotropic media. Two TLM-based solutions to solve this problem can already be found in the literature, each one with an interesting feature. One can be considered a more conceptual approach, close to the TLM fundamentals, which identifies each TLM in Maxwell’s equations with a specific line. But this simplicity is achieved at the expense of an increase in the memory storage requirements of a general situation. The second existing solution is a more powerful and general formulation that avoids this increase in memory storage. However, it is based on signal processing techniques and considerabl…

research product