Zirkadiane Serotonin- und Melatonin-Serumspiegel bei Anorexia-nervosa-Patientinnen im Vergleich zu normal-menstruierenden Frauen
Day and night rhythms of melatonin and serotonin were measured in four female anorexia nervosa patients and for comparison in a control group with normal 28-day menstrual cycle. In the anorexia nervosa group the levels of gonadotropins and sexual steroids were distinctly lowered. In the LHRH test the hormonal profile showed pubertal to prepubertal patterns of secretion with an only moderate increase of LH and distinct shifting of the LH/FSH ratio in direction of FSH. For both groups the 24-hour profiles of melatonin and serotonin showed a normal cycle, i.e. melatonin had its maximum by night, whereas serotonin in contrast displayed its highest values by day. However, in the group of patient…