Chang-yu Guo
The branch set of a quasiregular mapping between metric manifolds
Abstract In this note, we announce some new results on quantitative countable porosity of the branch set of a quasiregular mapping in very general metric spaces. As applications, we solve a recent conjecture of Fassler et al., an open problem of Heinonen–Rickman, and an open question of Heinonen–Semmes.
Mappings of finite distortion between metric measure spaces
We establish the basic analytic properties of mappings of finite distortion between proper Ahlfors regular metric measure spaces that support a ( 1 , 1 ) (1,1) -Poincaré inequality. As applications, we prove that under certain integrability assumption for the distortion function, the branch set of a mapping of finite distortion between generalized n n -manifolds of type A A has zero Hausdorff n n -measure.
Quantitative uniqueness estimates for pp-Laplace type equations in the plane
Abstract In this article our main concern is to prove the quantitative unique estimates for the p -Laplace equation, 1 p ∞ , with a locally Lipschitz drift in the plane. To be more precise, let u ∈ W l o c 1 , p ( R 2 ) be a nontrivial weak solution to div ( | ∇ u | p − 2 ∇ u ) + W ⋅ ( | ∇ u | p − 2 ∇ u ) = 0 in R 2 , where W is a locally Lipschitz real vector satisfying ‖ W ‖ L q ( R 2 ) ≤ M for q ≥ max { p , 2 } . Assume that u satisfies certain a priori assumption at 0. For q > max { p , 2 } or q = p > 2 , if ‖ u ‖ L ∞ ( R 2 ) ≤ C 0 , then u satisfies the following asymptotic estimates at R ≫ 1 inf | z 0 | = R sup | z − z 0 | 1 | u ( z ) | ≥ e − C R 1 − 2 q log R , where C > 0 depends …
Mappings of finite distortion : boundary extensions in uniform domains
In this paper, we consider mappings on uniform domains with exponentially integrable distortion whose Jacobian determinants are integrable. We show that such mappings can be extended to the boundary and moreover these extensions are exponentially integrable with quantitative bounds. This extends previous results of Chang and Marshall on analytic functions, Poggi-Corradini and Rajala and Akkinen and Rajala on mappings of bounded and finite distortion.
Equivalence of quasiregular mappings on subRiemannian manifolds via the Popp extension
We show that all the common definitions of quasiregular mappings $f\colon M\to N$ between two equiregular subRiemannian manifolds of homogeneous dimension $Q\geq 2$ are quantitatively equivalent with precise dependences of the quasiregularity constants. As an immediate consequence, we obtain that if $f$ is $1$-quasiregular according to one of the definitions, then it is also $1$-quasiregular according to any other definition. In particular, this recovers a recent theorem of Capogna et al. on the equivalence of $1$-quasiconformal mappings. Our main results answer affirmatively a few open questions from the recent research. The main new ingredient in our proofs is the distortion estimates for…
Sharpness of uniform continuity of quasiconformal mappings onto s-John domains
We construct examples to show the sharpness of uniform continuity of quasiconformal mappings onto $s$-John domains. Our examples also give a negative answer to a prediction in [7].
Generalized quasidisks and conformality II
We introduce a weaker variant of the concept of three point property, which is equivalent to a non-linear local connectivity condition introduced in [12], sufficient to guarantee the extendability of a conformal map f from the unit disk onto a domain to the entire plane as a homeomorphism of locally exponentially integrable distortion. Sufficient conditions for extendability to a homeomorphism of locally p-integrable distortion are also given.
Mappings of finite distortion : size of the branch set
Abstract We study the branch set of a mapping between subsets of ℝ n {\mathbb{R}^{n}} , i.e., the set where a given mapping is not defining a local homeomorphism. We construct several sharp examples showing that the branch set or its image can have positive measure.
L∞-variational problems associated to measurable Finsler structures
Abstract We study L ∞ -variational problems associated to measurable Finsler structures in Euclidean spaces. We obtain existence and uniqueness results for the absolute minimizers.
Inverse problems for $p$-Laplace type equations under monotonicity assumptions
We consider inverse problems for $p$-Laplace type equations under monotonicity assumptions. In two dimensions, we show that any two conductivities satisfying $\sigma_1 \geq \sigma_2$ and having the same nonlinear Dirichlet-to-Neumann map must be identical. The proof is based on a monotonicity inequality and the unique continuation principle for $p$-Laplace type equations. In higher dimensions, where unique continuation is not known, we obtain a similar result for conductivities close to constant.
Quantitative uniqueness estimates for $p$-Laplace type equations in the plane
In this article our main concern is to prove the quantitative unique estimates for the $p$-Laplace equation, $1\max\{p,2\}$ or $q=p>2$, if $\|u\|_{L^\infty(\mathbb{R}^2)}\leq C_0$, then $u$ satisfies the following asymptotic estimates at $R\gg 1$ \[ \inf_{|z_0|=R}\sup_{|z-z_0|<1} |u(z)| \geq e^{-CR^{1-\frac{2}{q}}\log R}, \] where $C$ depends only on $p$, $q$, $\tilde{M}$ and $C_0$. When $q=\max\{p,2\}$ and $p\in (1,2]$, under similar assumptions, we have \[ \inf_{|z_0|=R} \sup_{|z-z_0|<1} |u(z)| \geq R^{-C}, \] where $C$ depends only on $p$, $\tilde{M}$ and $C_0$. As an immediate consequence, we obtain the strong unique continuation principle (SUCP) for nontrivial solutions of this equatio…
Generalized John disks
Abstract We establish the basic properties of the class of generalized simply connected John domains.