Filomena Daniele
IDEAL study: A real‐world assessment of pattern of use and clinical outcomes with recombinant coagulation factor IX albumin fusion protein (rIX‐FP) in patients with haemophilia B in Italy
Introduction: Factor IX replacement therapy is used for treatment and prophylaxis of bleeding in haemophilia B. rIX-FP is an extended half-life albumin-fusion protein, which, in clinical studies, has demonstrated prolonged dosing intervals up to 21 days for routine prophylaxis, providing therapeutic benefit.Aims: To describe dosing frequency and consumption (primary endpoint), efficacy and safety of rIX-FP treatment during routine clinical practice in Italy.Methods: Patients with moderate/severe haemophilia B on prophylaxis with rIX-FP for >= 6 months, were enrolled in this observational study from October 2017 to February 2019 and followed-up for 2 years. Descriptive analysis included p…
Tailoring haemophilia A prophylaxis with BAY 81-8973: A case series
BAY 81-8973 is an unmodified, full-length third generation recombinant factor VIII (rFVIII) which offers a more favorable pharmacokinetic (PK) profile, compared to its predecessor sucrose-formulated rFVIII (rFVIII-FS). We here report on a retrospective case series of nine patients affected by hemophilia A (HA), with variable disease severity, bleeding phenotype and comorbidities, to underline our clinical practice on prophylaxis with a recently introduced standard hall-life recombinant Factor VIII. The current case series highlights how the current clinical management of hemophilia is able to personalize treatment in several specific conditions like concomitant illnesses with thrombotic ris…
Diagnosis and treatment of chronic synovitis in patients with haemophilia: consensus statements from the Italian Association of Haemophilia Centres
Although synovitis is recognized as a marker of joint disease activity, its periodic assessment is not included in routine clinical surveillance of patients with haemophilia (PwH). In order to evaluate the current knowledge and to identify controversial issues, a preliminary literature search by the Musculoskeletal Committee of the Italian Association of Haemophilia Centres (AICE) has been conducted. Statements have been established and sent to the Italian AICE members to collect their level of agreement or disagreement by a Delphi process. Thirty-seven consensus recommendations have been drafted. We found a general agreement on the indication to consider the presence of synovitis as a mark…
F9 missense mutations impairing factor IX activation are associated with pleiotropic plasma phenotypes.
Background Circulating dysfunctional factor IX (FIX) might modulate distribution of infused FIX in hemophilia B (HB) patients. Recurrent substitutions at FIX activation sites (R191-R226, >300 patients) are associated with variable FIX activity and antigen (FIXag) levels. Objectives To investigate the (1) expression of a complete panel of missense mutations at FIX activation sites and (2) contribution of F9 genotypes on the FIX pharmacokinetics (PK). Methods We checked FIX activity and antigen and activity assays in plasma and after recombinant expression of FIX variants and performed an analysis of infused FIX PK parameters in patients (n = 30), mostly enrolled in the F9 Genotype and PK HB …