Piergiorgio Iannaccaro

Pain assessment and management in Italian Haemophilia Centres

BACKGROUND: Although the widespread use of factor VIII/IX replacement therapy has significantly reduced the severity of arthropathy in persons with haemophilia (PWH), some develop degenerative joint changes, associated with significant pain. The aim of this survey was to investigate the management and perception of pain among Italian physicians who treat PWH. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between September and October 2017, a questionnaire was distributed to 35 Italian haemophilia treatment centres (60 physicians). RESULTS: Fifty-three haemophilia specialists completed the survey. We found that there was good agreement (98.1%) on the need to investigate pain at each clinical visit, but there was h…

research product

Diagnosis and treatment of chronic synovitis in patients with haemophilia: consensus statements from the Italian Association of Haemophilia Centres

Although synovitis is recognized as a marker of joint disease activity, its periodic assessment is not included in routine clinical surveillance of patients with haemophilia (PwH). In order to evaluate the current knowledge and to identify controversial issues, a preliminary literature search by the Musculoskeletal Committee of the Italian Association of Haemophilia Centres (AICE) has been conducted. Statements have been established and sent to the Italian AICE members to collect their level of agreement or disagreement by a Delphi process. Thirty-seven consensus recommendations have been drafted. We found a general agreement on the indication to consider the presence of synovitis as a mark…

research product