Properties of the δ Scorpii Circumstellar Disk from Continuum Modeling
We present optical $WBVR$ and infrared $JHKL$ photometric observations of the Be binary system $\delta$ Sco, obtained in 2000--2005, mid-infrared (10 and $18 \mu$m) photometry and optical ($\lambda\lambda$ 3200--10500 \AA) spectropolarimetry obtained in 2001. Our optical photometry confirms the results of much more frequent visual monitoring of $\delta$ Sco. In 2005, we detected a significant decrease in the object's brightness, both in optical and near-infrared brightness, which is associated with a continuous rise in the hydrogen line strenghts. We discuss possible causes for this phenomenon, which is difficult to explain in view of current models of Be star disks. The 2001 spectral energ…