Marie Weiss

EVASPA (EVapotranspiration Assessment from SPAce) tool: an overview

International audience; Evapotranspiration (ET) is a fundamental variable of the hydrological cycle and its estimation is required for irrigation management, water resources planning and environmental studies. Remote sensing provides spatially distributed cost-effective information for ET maps production at regional scale. We have developed EVASPA too for mapping ET from remote sensing data at spatial and temporal scales relevant to hydrological or agronomica studies. EVASPA includes several algorithms for estimating evapotranspiration and various equations for estimating the required input information (net radiation, ground heat flux, evaporative fraction…), which provides a way to assess …

research product

A multisensor fusion approach to improve LAI time series

International audience; High-quality and gap-free satellite time series are required for reliable terrestrial monitoring. Moderate resolution sensors provide continuous observations at global scale for monitoring spatial and temporal variations of land surface characteristics. However, the full potential of remote sensing systems is often hampered by poor quality or missing data caused by clouds, aerosols, snow cover, algorithms and instrumentation problems. A multisensor fusion approach is here proposed to improve the spatio-temporal continuity, consistency and accuracy of current satellite products. It is based on the use of neural networks, gap filling and temporal smoothing techniques. …

research product

GEOV1: LAI, FAPAR essential climate variables and FCOVER global time series capitalizing over existing products. Part 2: Validation and intercomparison with reference products

International audience; This paper describes the scientific validation of the first version of global biophysical products (i.e., leaf area index, fraction of absorbed photosynthetically active radiation and fraction of vegetation cover), namely GEOV1, developed in the framework of the geoland-2/BioPar core mapping service at 1 km spatial resolution and 10-days temporal frequency. The strategy follows the recommendations of the CEOS/WGCV Land Product Validation for LAI global products validation. Several criteria of performance were evaluated, including continuity, spatial and temporal consistency, dynamic range of retrievals, statistical analysis per biome type, precision and accuracy. The…

research product

Performances of neural networks for deriving LAI estimates from existing CYCLOPES and MODIS products

International audience; This paper evaluates the performances of a neural network approach to estimate LAI from CYCLOPES and MODIS nadir normalized reflectance and LAI products. A data base was generated from these products over the BELMANIP sites during the 2001-2003 period. Data were aggregated at 3 km x 3 km, resampled at 1/16 days temporal frequency and filtered to reject outliers. VEGETATION and MODIS reflectances show very consistent values in the red, near infrared and short wave infrared bands. Neural networks were trained over part of this data base for each of the 6 MODIS biome classes to retrieve both MODIS and CYCLOPES LAI products. Results show very good performances of neural …

research product

Crop specific algorithms trained over ground measurements provide the best performance for GAI and fAPAR estimates from Landsat-8 observations

Abstract Estimation of Green Area Index (GAI) and fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation (fAPAR) from decametric satellites was investigated in this study using a large database of ground measurements over croplands. It covers six main crop types including rice, corn, wheat and barley, sunflower, soybean and other types of crops. Ground measurements were completed using either digital hemispherical cameras, LAI-2000 or AccuPAR devices over sites representative of a decametric pixel. Sites were spread over the globe and the data collected at several growth stages concurrently to the acquisition of Landsat-8 images. Several machine learning techniques were investigated to re…

research product

Data service platform for sentinel-2 surface reflectance and value-added products: System use and examples

This technical note presents the first Sentinel-2 data service platform for obtaining atmospherically-corrected images and generating the corresponding value-added products for any land surface on Earth (http://s2.boku.eodc.eu/). Using the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Sen2Cor algorithm, the platform processes ESA’s Level-1C top-of-atmosphere reflectance to atmospherically-corrected bottom-of-atmosphere (BoA) reflectance (Level-2A). The processing runs on-demand, with a global coverage, on the Earth Observation Data Centre (EODC), which is a public-private collaborative IT infrastructure in Vienna (Austria) for archiving, processing, and distributing Earth observation (EO) data (http://www.…

research product

Combining hectometric and decametric satellite observations to provide near real time decametric FAPAR product

Abstract A wide range of ecological, agricultural, hydrological and meteorological applications at local to regional scales requires decametric biophysical data. However, before the launch of SENTINEL-2A, only few decametric products are produced and most of them remain limited by the small number of available observations, mostly due to a moderate revisit frequency combined with cloud occurrence. Conversely, kilometric and hectometric biophysical products are now widely available with almost complete and continuous coverage, but the associated spatial resolution limits the application over heterogeneous landscapes. The objective of this study is to combine unfrequent decametric spatial res…

research product

On Line Validation Exercise (OLIVE): A Web Based Service for the Validation of Medium Resolution Land Products. Application to FAPAR Products

International audience; The OLIVE (On Line Interactive Validation Exercise) platform is dedicated to the validation of global biophysical products such as LAI (Leaf Area Index) and FAPAR (Fraction of Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation). It was developed under the framework of the CEOS (Committee on Earth Observation Satellites) Land Product Validation (LPV) sub-group. OLIVE has three main objectives: (i) to provide a consistent and centralized information on the definition of the biophysical variables, as well as a description of the main available products and their performances (ii) to provide transparency and traceability by an online validation procedure compliant with the CEO…

research product

Quantification of LAI interannual anomalies by adjusting climatological patterns

International audience; Scaling variations and shifts in the timing of seasonal phenology are central features of global change research. In this study, we propose a novel climatology fitting approach to quantify inter-annual anomalies in LAI seasonality. A consistent archive of daily LAI estimates was first derived from historical AVHRR satellite data for the 1981-2000 period over a globally representative sample of sites. The climatology values were then computed by averaging multi-year LAI profiles, gap filling and smoothing to eliminate possible high temporal frequency residual artifacts. The inter-annual variations in LAI were finally quantified by scaling and shifting the seasonal cli…

research product