Urinary diversion in children and young adults using the Mainz Pouch I technique
Objectives To determine the late complications and consequences for renal function, vitamin and acid-base metabolism after application of the Mainz Pouch I (MZP-I) technique in children and young adults. Patients and methods To November 1994, the MZP-I procedure was carried out in 463 patients at our institution, 91 of whom were children and adolescents (≤20 years old) using bladder augmentation in 21 and a continent cutaneous stoma in 70. A minimum follow-up of 1 year was possible in 87 patients or 163 renal units (RUs) with a mean of 5.5 years (range 1–10.5). Results At the last examination, 23 of 55 (42%) pre-operatively dilated RUs had improved, 131 of the 163 RUs (80%) were stable and …