Increased Parasite Abundance Associated with Reproductive Maturity of the Clam Anodonta piscinalis
Several studies on vertebrates have demonstrated that reproductive activities may increase the parasite load, but this has not been shown in invertebrate hosts. We studied abundance of a potentially harmful gill parasite, the ergasilid copepod Paraergasilus rylovi, from the freshwater bivalve host Anodonta piscinalis in relation to reproductive maturity of the host in the field. Prevalence of this previously unstudied parasite varied from 90 to 100%, and the mean parasite abundance from 16.3 to 28.8 among 3 study populations. Abundance of P. rylovi increased with host size. In the maturating age groups (3-5 yr) the length-adjusted mean parasite abundance among mature, reproducing female cla…