Līga Kunrade
Inhibition of NF-κB pathway in LPS-stimulated THP-1 monocytes and COX-2 activity in vitro by berry pomace extracts from five Vaccinium species
BACKGROUND: Berry processing residues called pomaces are rich in polyphenols, sugars, organic acids, and minerals. Polyphenols are reported to reduce the risk of non-communicable diseases, including cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and diabetes mellitus, owing to their anti-inflammatory activity. OBJECTIVE: We aimed to assess the anti-inflammatory properties of five Vaccinium spp. berry pomace extracts using LPS-stimulated THP-1 monocytes and a COX-2 inhibition assay. METHODS: THP-1 monocytes were pre-incubated with chemically characterized bilberry, blueberry, American cranberry, bog cranberry, and lingonberry pomace extracts following LPS stimulation. NF-κB nuclear translocation was asses…
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