F Certo
Utilizzo di un nuovo sistema di coagulazione bipolare nella chirurgia dei meningiomi. Nota tecnica
Analisi di anomalie ormonali subcliniche in un cluster di pazienti con trauma cranico moderato e con rilievo incidentale di empty sella.
Neuronavigated-biopsy in the diagniosis of demyelinating pseudotumoral brain lesions. Case report.
Introduction: Pseudotumoral-demyelinating lesions are typically characterized by severe difficulties in differential diagnosis from gliomas, metastatic tumors and abscesses. Marburg’s disease (MD) is an extremely rare and aggressive form of Mutiple Sclerosis (MS) with acute onset, rapid neurological deterioration, and poor prognosis. MRI images often show pseudotumoral lesions characterized by mild and focal or, sometimes, ring enhancement. Perhaps, radiological aspect can vary, making necessary hystopathological confirmation. Objectives: There is increasing interest in the role of surgical biopsy for a correct and early diagnosis of pseudotumoral demyelinating lesions. We report an histopa…
Imaging neuroradiologico funzionale 3-D per l'asportazione di un angioma cavernoso in area eloquente: case report e review della letteratura
Imaging neuroradiologico