Elli Vassiliadis
Un profilo generale del campione
Educational systems efficiency in European Union countries
Abstract We use the PISA 2006 results to analyse students’ proficiency in EU countries with regard to two indexes that represent the home background, viz the educational resources available at home and the family background of students. However, many factors affect proficiency and therefore, using a DEA-bootstrap, we intend to measure the efficiency of the European educational systems as capability to ensure high students’ competencies despite adverse conditions about the educational resources available at home and the family background. Results show an unexpected differentiation among EU countries. In particular, the most developed countries often show disappointing students’ proficiency d…
A Measure of Trust: The Italian Regional Divide in a Latent Class Approach
Social differences within countries may partly explain the lack of economic convergence and the persistence of regional disparities. The case of Italy is emblematic: economic gap between North and South remains at high levels with large differences in social capital and in trust. In this paper, we use the micro data from the ISTAT “Aspects of Daily Life” Survey to build a measure of “trust in others” and a measure of “trust in institutions” through a latent class model to attribute a trust score to the Italian households and the Italian regions and, in this way, to add elements of knowledge useful to policies. Our measures confirm a persistent territorial divide although the regional mappin…
Il ruolo delle Tecnologie Informatiche e di Comunicazione e della logistica distributiva sulla competitività del comparto ortofrutticolo siciliano
In recent years, the market globalization process has deeply changed the international competitive background, leading, inevitably, to a revision of the strategies and the organization structures of the companies. It is now widely accepted that Information and Communication Technology (ICT) and supply chain logistics management, have an important role in the increasing of the competitive potential of each company and in the development of entire economic sectors. The importance of these factors in the business strategies of the firms, has generated an increasing attention by the research world to the study of the economic and social impact, both about the spread of modern information and co…
Jeunes gens, valeurs professionnelles et représentations au travail.
il ruolo della scuola e della famiglia sul capitale umano: un esempio sugli studenti di Palermo
Numeracy and Literacy:a measure of secondary school learning culture in Palermo
The evolution of emotional and behavioural problems of children in residential care in Spain: A longitudinal study
Educational Efficiency in a Dea-Bootstrap Approach
We use the PISA 2006 results to analyse the students' proficiencies in 24 European Countries with regard to two indexes that represent the educational resources available at home and the family background of students. Many factors affect the proficiencies and therefore, using a DEA-bootstrap method, we intend to measure the efficiency of the European educational systems as capability to ensure high students' competencies despite adverse conditions about the educational resources available in students' home and the family background.
Valutazioni e tipologie comportamentali
In questo lavoro, dopo avere effettuato una semplice descrizione di taluni comportamenti, atteggiamenti e valutazioni manifestate dai giovani diplomandi del SLL di Palermo, si è cercato di risalire, ove possibile, ai processi nascosti che vi sottostanno in modo da delineare talune "inclinazioni", o tipologie, trasversali che meglio definiscono il capitale umano del collettivo analizzato.
La performance innovativa dell'Europa
La recente crisi mondiale e le risposte spesso lente ed inadeguate che ne sono seguite, hanno rallentato ed allontanato le prospettive di crescita economica di molte nazioni. Questa crisi ha mutato lo scenario economico con ripercussioni sul quadro sociale ed anche politico. In questo contesto di profondi mutamenti, appare interessante proporre un’analisi empirica aggiornata sullo stato dell'innovazione e della capacità innovativa delle nazioni europee e la posizione che, all’interno di questo quadro, assume l’Italia.
Famiglia e rendimento scolastico: gli effetti sul capitale umano.
Abilità, comportamenti, aspettative: un'analisi multidimensionale
Changes in Mental Health of Children and Young People in Residential Care: Outcomes and Associated Factors
Several studies have evidenced that children in out-of-home care (OOHC), including foster family care and residential care, reveal high levels of mental health disorders (ranging from 40% to 88%). This study examines the outcomes in mental health reported by key residential workers in a group of children and youth (N = 492) between 8-17 years old who were in residential child care (RCC) in Spain. The research also aims to explore the relationship between mental health outcomes and the provision of mental health services (i.e., receiving any mental health treatment) as well as the influence of child, family, and placement factors. The design of this study includes two measures: a baseline (T…
Il quadro socio-demografico di riferimento
Processi Innovativi e Orientamenti Strategici nelle PMI siciliane. Un'analisi multidimensionale
In 1959, Penrose highlighted how the firm's organisation of economic activity is based on its perception about the adjustment of production to the market, more than on objective evaluation. So, he underlined not just the importance to identify the nature of the determinants of firm behaviour, but also how the assessment of these factors must consider the production context where they originate. Now, this context for Penrose has to be considered as an image in the mind of the entrepreneur of the possibilities and restrictions. In line with this view, and with the recent approach to innovation policies, this work analyses the survey data collected in 2008 on the innovation needs of Sicilian f…