Giuseppe Maria Pizzurro
Le variabili ecologiche e selvicolturali che influenzano la qualità del sughero grezzo in Sicilia
La selvicoltura in Sicilia: problemi e prospettive
In spite of their little surface, natural sicilian forests and reforestation are strongly heterogeneous due to environmental factors and anthropic activities. In Sicily forest surface was enriched by forestation activities that have been largely widespreaded in the last century. Also reforestations are mixed in terms of species in forest plantation. However, forestry use had not clear and continuous addresses because of lack of policy forestry in the time. For example, executive forest planning was deficient and very little plans have been drawn up. According to EU and national legislation, forest may be seen not only such as an environmental resource but also as an economic opportunity. Re…
The cork oak in the Mountains of Palermo (Italy): ecological insights from the south-eastern edge of its distribution range
Abstract: The uneven presence of the cork oak (Quercus suber L.) within its distribution range is not only determined by its climatic requirements but also by specific edaphic needs. Although most of the natural populations thrive in acidic soils deriving from metamorphic or volcanic rock outcrops, some cork oak populations are found growing in soils deriving from calcareous bedrock, which are considered less suitable. We carried out a multidisciplinary investigation at the south eastern edge of the Q. suber distribution range (Mountains of Palermo, NW Sicily), including soil, floristic, and vegetation surveys, aimed at: (i) assessing the native or introduced origin of some peculiar cork oa…
Potenzialità economiche della sughericoltura.
Agroforestry Systems of Mt Etna, Italy: Biodiversity Analysis at Landscape, Stand and Specific Level.
Abstract: Cork oak (Quercus suber L.) is usually dominant in silvopastoral systems in many areas of Sicily, where the trees are debarked periodically for cork production. In spite of the importance of cork and cork oak stands in Sicilian forests and the potential economic scenarios, few research works have been carried out on these systems. Given the importance of cork thickness in cork quality evaluation, the main objective of this work is to study cork growth in cork oak productive stands spread on the north (Nebrodi Mountains) and south-east (Iblei Mountains) of Sicily. Image analysis techniques were used on cork surfaces of transverse sections of planks to measure cork rings. Dendrochro…
Differences of raw cork quality in productive cork oak woods in Sicily in relation to stand density
Differences of raw cork quality, in terms of thickness and porosity, were observed in productive cork oak (Quercus suber L.) stands in the Nebrodi and Iblei mountains of Sicily in relation to stand density. Five study areas were chosen across a range of different stand density satisfying specific sampling requirements among two managed cork oak stands. Analysis of variance using Fisher-Snedecor's F test (p<0,05) were used to identify statistically significant differences of cork quality and sylvicultural, dendrometric and cork stripping parameters between study areas within each stand and also between stands. Relationships between cork quality and sylvicultural and dendrometric parameters w…
Criteri tecnici per la gestione selvicolturali delle sugherete
Individuazione di aree ecologicamente omogenee e di un sistema di aree a priorità di intervento per l’ampliamento della superficie forestale in Sicilia
La qualità del sughero: metodologie di valutazione e norme tecniche per il sughero grezzo e per i prodotti derivati.
La possibilità di ritrarre dal sughero prodotti derivati dipende fortemente dalla sua qualità. Il termine «qualità» del sughero non è sostenuto da chiari riferimenti normativi e non esiste, allo stato attuale, una metodologia oggettiva per la sua valutazione univocamente accettata. In questi ultimi anni si sta producendo uno sforzo teso all’oggettivazione di metodologie di valutazione della qualità del sughero attraverso la definizione di norme di classificazione e standardizzazione dei prodotti ritraibili e/o attraverso sperimentazioni concernenti l’applicazione sul sughero grezzo o sui prodotti derivati di particolari tecniche utilizzate in altri campi scientifici e/o su altri materiali. …