Marion Saurel

Le petit mobilier en terre cuite en contexte d’habitat rural du Bronze final à la fin de l’âge du Fer en Champagne-Ardenne

research product

Aspects de l’espace intérieur de l’oppidum de La Cheppe (Marne)

Since 2009, the La Cheppe (Marne) oppidum is the subject of a research project comprising an inventory survey, excavations, geophysical surveys and a LiDAR The presentation focuses on new data concerning the internal area of the oppidum from two angles: the impact of events after the Gallic era (in particular the Napoleonic excavations and the 1914-18 conflict) and the organization of the Gallic city with a particular look focused on elongated structures with specific morphology whose interpretation is in question.

research product

Aspects of the inner space of the oppidum of the Camp d’Attila in La Cheppe (Marne)

research product

Projet Collectif de Recherche - « Évolution d’un territoire dans la périphérie rémoise : étude diachronique de la commune de Bezannes (Marne) »

research product

Occupations protohistoriques et médiévales en marge du village actuel de Ruvigny : Ruvigny, Aube "Proche l'Eglise". Document final de synthèse

L’occupation se caractérise tout d’abord par une batterie au moins une soixantaine de silos de la transition entre le premier et le second Âge du Fer avec un bruit de fond Néolithique (mobilier résiduel) et Bronze final (quelques fosses et silos). Certains de ces silos ont livré un important mobilier céramique qui, couplé à des rejets de forges et des objets attestant d’un travail de tissage, pourrait indiquer la présence d’un habitat associé à proximité immédiate. L’activité métallurgique est attestée dès le Hallstatt D3.Si aucune inhumation n’a été retrouvé dans les silos, quelques ossements humains épars ont été prélevé dans quatre d’entre eux. Il faut également noter la présence du dépô…

research product

Condé-sur-Marne, Marne, "Le Brabant", un habitat du Néolithique final dans la vallée de la Marne, Rapport de fouille archéologique préventive

research product

Le sanctuaire laténien de Semoine, « Voie Palon » (Aube)

A rescue excavation in 2003 resulted in the discovery of a building on piles, constructed between two sections of ditch, of which the one on the north side has an entrance. The chronological data of the building and two ditches match and demonstrate the existence of cults during La Tène C2. Evidence of the cults is given by a small quantity of deliberately mutilated weapons, as has been found in other La Tène sanctuaries. Dating the creation of the enclosure is problematicaln but it probably derives from La Tène C1. Although sections of the site remained unexcavated, the stratigraphy of the ditches reveals the brevity and limited and unusual nature of the practices. This study links them to…

research product

The special qualities of “thrown” pottery in the cultural and environmental landscape of the Seine area in the 6th and 5th centuries BCE

research product

Géographie culturelle de la céramique décorée entre le VIe et le IVe siècle avant notre ère dans le bassin Parisien et ses marges.

International audience; Géographie culturelle de la céramique décorée entre le vi e et le iv e s. a.C. dans le Bassin parisien et ses marges David Bardel, Marion Saurel (dir.), Laurence Augier, Hélène Delnef, Sophie Desenne, Francesca Di Napoli, Régis Labeaune et Christophe Maitay – Production et proto-industrialisation aux âges du Fer, p. 187-230 C ette enquête sur les procédés décoratifs de la céramique " fine " dans le Bassin parisien et ses marges, entre le vi e et le iv e siècle a.C. (du Hallstatt D2 à La Tène B) s'inscrit dans un projet à plusieurs facettes chronologiques développé à l'occasion du colloque de Nancy 1. La multiplication des données sur les contextes d'habitats et le te…

research product

La céramique façonnée au tour : témoin privilégié de la diffusion des techniques au Hallstatt D2-D3 et à La Tène A-B1

In recent years a series of studies made it possible to characterize the productions of thin walled pottery traditionally identified by the term “wheel-turned pottery”. The establishment of regional typologies and the realisation of petrographic analyses helped to determine these technical groups which seem to have appeared in the northern alpine zone at Hallstatt D2-D3. Today we are able to compare the results of these selected analyses and draw a temporary conclusion illuminating the context of acquisition of the potter’s wheel and its assimilation by different cultural groups within a wide spread geographical area comprising contrasting landscapes between the centre of France and the Cze…

research product

Vaisselle de tous les jours et vaisselle de banquet : productions céramiques et évolutions sociales du Ve siècle avant notre ère

International audience

research product

The rural dwelling of the Second Iron Age

This book, resulting from a national investigation conducted by Inrap, is an analytical presentation of the rhythms of the emergence and abandonment of rural settlements during the Second Iron Age in the northern half of France. Depending on the region studied, between the 5th century BC and the 1st century AD, rural settlements were established, and have now been studied through preventative archaeological operations covering large surfaces. These studied updated our knowledge of the Gallic countryside, integrating paleobotanical, zooarchaeological and climatic data. Through systematic studies and presentations, this book offers a useful glimpse into this period, linking archaeology and hi…

research product

Les établissements de hauteur défendus protohistoriques en France (XXIIe-Ier siècles av. J.-C.)

A review of current knowledge is proposed based on updated data for 1330 fortified sites on high ground. These, for the most part, have been explored on too limited an area to understand their precise nature and status. Generally, they are located on spurs and cover a very small area, particularly in the Southeast. Only a quarter of them exceed 7 ha. The size of the fortifications is also an essential criteria, but it was only possible to address it from one clue – the length: the range of disparities are very wide there also; but, we note that this length doubles on average at the end of the Iron Age. The materials of the ramparts reveal trends: earth dominates in the northwest half, stone…

research product

Le complexe funéraire de La Tène finale de Val-de-Vesle (51) [résumé]

research product