Sébastien Roué
Caractérisation de la structure génétique des colonies de reproduction du petit rhinolophe en Franche-Comté
Estimer l'impact des grandes infrastructures de transport sur la distribution des espèces : proposition et test d'un protocole méthodologique
Assessing habitat connectivity of the lesser horseshoe bat using graph theory to explain its distribution
The lesser horseshoe bat, Rhinolophus hipposideros was formerly widespread and quite common in north-western Europe, but has undergone a dramatic decline from the 1960s. The main hypothesis for this decline is a change of habitat quality. Recent works have stressed the importance of good connection between roosts and foraging areas by tree lines and well-structured hedgerows. Thus, landscape connectivity is assumed to be a key-factor for population sustainability. The present study is based on a case study in Franche-Comté (France). Its purpose is to model the distribution of the lesser horseshoe bat and to characterize the functional connectivity of its habitat. Graph theory is used effici…
Caractérisation de la connectivité des habitats du petit rhinolophe en Franche-Comté
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