D. Perrone

Narrativa di regime nella rivista Primato: Il diario spagnolo di Giuseppe Lombrassa, in C. Prestigiacomo (a cura di), Identità, totalitarismi e stampa. Ricodifica linguistico-culturale dei media di regime.

La ricerca sulla narrativa di regime nella rivista "Primato" nasce dalla comparazione con la coeva rivista di movimento "Legioni e falangi". In questa prospettiva sono stati messi a fuoco aspetti poco discussi e contributi meno noti come le tre puntate (nei numeri 6, 7, 9) del "Diario spagnolo" di Giuseppe Lombrassa, colui che fonderà mesi dopo "Legioni e Falangi". L’apparizione della firma di Lombrassa su "Primato" mostra come le due riviste abbiano assolto funzioni complementari nell’eco- nomia politico-culturale del regime. Quanto avanzata progettualmente, sebbene problematica e contraddittoria, fu questa, tanto circoscritta e ideologicamente definita, fu l'altra, soddisfacendo ciascuna…

research product

Expression of salivary biomarkers in patients with oral mucositis: evaluation by SELDI-TOF/MS.

Objective: This study aims to evaluate changes in proteomic salivary profile of patients with oral mucositis after adjuvant cancer treatments. Materials and Methods: Samples were collected from patients after adjuvant cancer therapies, and were analyzed by means of SELDI/TOF. Patients were separated in two groups: patients affected by mucositis (MUCOSITIS) and patient without mucositis (NO MUCOSITIS). All patients were divided in function of the anticancer treatment: patients who had radiotherapy (MUCOSITIS RADIO), had not radiotherapy (MUCOSITIS NO RADIO), had chemotherapy (MUCOSITIS CHEMO), and those who had not chemotherapy (MUCOSITIS NO CHEMO). Statistical evaluation PCA (Principal Comp…

research product

Reciprocal altered expression of E-cadherin and P-cadherin in mucous membrane pemphigoid.

E- and P- cadherins are involved in the selective adhesion of epidermal cells. To gain insight into the role of cadherins on the acantholysis of keratinocytes and further investigate the pathogenesis of Mucous Membrane Pemphigoid, we examined the expression of P-cadherin and E-cadherin, in normal human oral mucosa, lesional and peri-lesional mucosa in MMP. Twenty-nine samples from paraffin-embedded specimens of MMP were used for the study. Five specimens of healthy oral mucosa were evaluated as control group. To evaluate the E- and P-Cadherin expression, a mean percentage of positive cells was determined from the percentage of positive cells derived from the analysis of 100 cells in ten ra…

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L’analisi colorimetrica a supporto dell’intervento di restauro sui mosaici della Villa romana del casale di Piazza Armerina

research product


According to Ugo Volli, «what defines the identity of any semiotic object is its ability to carry out a specific set of functions». But what happens if the semiotic object does not achieve these functions? If the semiotic object does not keep its promises? What is the relation that connects the presence of a semiotic object with its ‘natural task’? Thus, what happens for example to the food if it cannot be enjoyed, if it does not feed? If it is present on the scene but so distant as to become unreachable and to make its natural function absent? In this particular case it is appropriate to bring up the concept of absentia. «LC». Rivista Dipartimento Letterature e Culture Europee Università d…

research product

Segmental resection for the excision of two multicystic ameloblastoma

Objectives. The purpose of this study was addressed at the understanding and management in the ameloblastoma treatment, performing a segmental surgical resection. Ameloblastoma represents nearly 1% of all neoplasm located  Annali di Stomatologia 2014; Suppl. 3 to n. 2: 1-41 15 in the oral cavity. In 80% of cases it could be found in the mandible, of these lesions 70% are located in the molar re- gion or the ascending ramus, 20% in the premolar region and 10% in the anterior part. It is considered as a benign neoplasm with slow growing-pattern and locally aggressive behaviour. Methods. On the basis of clinicoradiological findings, ameloblastoma is divided into 3 groups: solid or multicyst…

research product

Spectrophotometric investigations at the museum: monitoring of colour changes during differentiated cleaning of the marble statues

The spectrophotometric investigations carried out during the cleaning treatments on the marble surface provide an useful support for choosing the best method to employ by monitoring, before and after the tests, both the chromatic coordinates and the spectral reflectance. Moreover, the colorimetric measurements allow us to evaluate the goodness of the chromatic level and the uniformity of the cleaned areas. The Laboratory of Physics and Indoor Environment of the Regional Center for Planning and Restoration has carried out the spectrophotometric investigations on the marble statues belonging to the Renaissance statuary collection of the Regional Gallery of Sicily Palazzo Abatellis in Palermo …

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