Claire Gaillard
Extensive comparison of genome wide transcription along pig small intestine and in Peyer’s patces by RNA-seq
Les récepteurs aux éléments microbiens dans l'intestin : analyse de leur expression dans les différents segments et organes lymphoïdes et le long de l'axe crypto-villositaire
Session 3 : Dialogue agresseurs-hôtes, adaptation réciproquesCommunication orale; absent
Les impacts du campagnol terrestre sur les systèmes fourragers : le cas de l’élevage bovin allaitant en Bourgogne
EAAgroSupECOLDUR; Do vole outbreaks have the same effects on suckler beef farms in Burgundy as they do on daily farms in Auvergne and Franche-Comte? Semi-structured interviews were carried out with 19 farmers from Burgundy who had been affected by a water vole outbreak in 2011. The results indicate that, just like farmers in Auvergne and Franche-Comte, farmers in Burgundy witnessed a decrease in forage quantity and quality. Farmers used diverse measures to deal with the outbreak (e.g., avoidance strategies or the use of bromadiolone). Farmers that described water voles as pests were more likely to have used bromadiolone, while those who described water voles in morphological terms or in ter…
Exhaustive comparison of gene expression along pig small Intestine and in Peyer’s patches performed by RNA-Seq
Establishment of the swine gut microbiome during early life and further impact on adult health and performance
La traite et la gestion de la lactation. Chap VI
Public viséEnseignants et formateurs de l'enseignement agricole; National audience