Sabine Vilcina
Teachers’ Perceptions of Relationship Enhancement Upon Implementation of the Social Emotional Learning Program in Latvia: Focus Group Study
The goal of this study was to elicit and analyse teachers’ reflections on the benefits of the implementation of the SEL program in Latvia, both in regard to benefits for the students and in regard to benefits for themselves. The school-wide Latvia SEL program was initiated during the 2012–13 academic year and to date has been implemented in 41 Latvian schools. In order to ascertain the teachers’ views on issues of program effectiveness, seven focus groups were organised consisting of teachers who had participated in the SEL program implementation. Thematic analysis of the focus group discussions indicated that the teachers appreciate various benefits of the SEL program, but among the most p…
Teachers’ Perceptions of Sustainability of the Social Emotional Learning Program in Latvia: A Focus Group Study
Abstract The aim of this study was to provide an initial evaluation of the sustainability of the first Social Emotional Learning (hereafter SEL) program in Latvia, which to date is still the only SEL program in our country. Initiated during the 2012/13 academic year, this program has already been implemented in 41 Latvian schools. In order to address the teachersí perceptions of program effectiveness and sustainability seven focus groups were organized. Thematic analysis of the focus group discussions pointed to various benefits of the program, including a general dissemination of SEL principles, and teachersí reflections on the importance of their own active role in the process of social a…