M. Díaz Molina
Taphonomic and Sedimentary Factors in the Fossil Record of Mammals
The composition of the fossil assemblages of mammals (MFA) is traditionally considered as being controlled by historical factors. Its variations are attributed to biochronological changes due to evolutionary process or to biogeographic changes due to geodynamic process. The different MFA are compared as sampling units of similar nature. The presence or absence of taxa and their relative abundance are used as biochronologic and biogeographic indicators, and the samples (MFA) are considered homologous, although they appear in a different sedimentological, taphonomical, or tectonic context.
Up-to-date Spanish continental Neogene synthesis and paleoclimatic interpretation
A synthesis of the Spanish continental Neogene is presented by designing an integrated correlative chart of the Neo" gen-e "succes"Siuns-ofthe "lberian-PeninsuIa-. -Ninemain-sedimentary-breaks-have-been -distinguished-in-most-of-the "basins. They are considered a valuable criteria for correlation as they occur in similar time intervals from basin to basin. The determined sedimentary breaks occur in the Agenian, Ramblian, Middle Aragonian, Late Aragonian, Late Vallesian, Middle Turolian, Late Turolian, Late Ruscinian-Early Villafranchian, and Villafranchian ages. The larger interior basins (Ebro, Tajo, Duero) show a fairly complete Neogene sedimentary record in which the aboye mentioned sedi…