In vitro effects of estradiol, testosterone, and progesterone on 5-methoxyindole content, cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate synthesis, and norepinephrine release in different parts of the female guinea pig pineal complex.
To examine the effects of estradiol, testosterone, or progesterone on cyclic adenosine 3',5'-monophosphate (AMP) accumulation, 5-methoxyindole levels, and norepinephrine (NE) release by the female guinea pig pineal complex, samples of the deep, intermediate, or superficial portions of the complex were incubated in vitro with varied concentrations of either hormone. Exposure for 10 minutes to physiological amounts of estradiol (10 nM) or to 100 microM NE increased significantly cyclic AMP levels to the same extent in the three pineal regions. A maximal effect on cyclic AMP accumulation was observed at 100-nM concentrations of estradiol, with a tendency to return to basal levels at 1-10 micro…