Kati Heinonen
Understanding developmental language disorder-The Helsinki longitudinal SLI study (HelSLI): A study protocol
Background Developmental language disorder (DLD, also called specific language impairment, SLI) is a common developmental disorder comprising the largest disability group in pre-school-aged children. Approximately 7% of the population is expected to have developmental language difficulties. However, the specific etiological factors leading to DLD are not yet known and even the typical linguistic features appear to vary by language. We present here a project that investigates DLD at multiple levels of analysis and aims to make the reliable prediction and early identification of the difficulties possible. Following the multiple deficit model of developmental disorders, we investigate the DLD …
Additional file 2 of Understanding developmental language disorder - the Helsinki longitudinal SLI study (HelSLI): a study protocol
Appendix 2 SLT assessment battery. List of speech and language assessments used in the study. (DOCX 25 kb)
Metsästyksen koetut hyvinvointivaikutukset : "elämyksiä ja onnistumisia"
Heinonen, K. 2017. Metsästyksen koetut hyvinvointivaikutukset: ”Elämyksiä ja onnistumisia”. Liikuntatieteellinen tiedekunta. Terveyskasvatuksen pro gradu -tutkielma, 49 s., 2 liitettä. Metsästys on yksi suomalaisten perinteisistä harrastuksista. Vuonna 2015 metsästyskortin lunasti 306 277 henkilöä. Metsästyksen koettuja hyvinvointivaikutuksia on kuitenkin tutkittu hyvin vähän. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää metsästystä harrastavien terveyttä, mielenhyvinvointia ja elämänlaatua. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin internet-kyselylomakkeella, joka toimitettiin kesäkuussa 2017 kaikkiin Suomen riistanhoitoyhdistyksiin jaettavaksi jäsenille. Kyselyyn vastasi 1817 henkilöä. Tutkimusaineisto a…
Additional file 1 of Understanding developmental language disorder - the Helsinki longitudinal SLI study (HelSLI): a study protocol
Appendix 1 Neuropsychological assessment battery. List of neuropsychological assessments used in the study. (DOCX 81 kb)
Early Life Stress and Physical and Psychosocial Functioning in Late Adulthood
Background. Severe stress experienced in early life may have long-term effects on adult physiological and psychological health and well-being. We studied physical and psychosocial functioning in late adulthood in subjects separated temporarily from their parents in childhood during World War II. Methods. The 1803 participants belong to the Helsinki Birth Cohort Study, born 1934–44. Of them, 267 (14.8%) had been evacuated abroad in childhood during WWII and the remaining subjects served as controls. Physical and psychosocial functioning was assessed with the Short Form 36 scale (SF-36) between 2001 and 2004. A test for trends was based on linear regression. All analyses were adjusted for age…